an open letter to "the messiah" *eyeroll* or "the chosen one" *eyeroll*

all amnesty except towards the end
This letter uses all the characters allowed on the white house email form

in a bad economy such as what we have now, taking up any ideas on comprehensive immigration reform will be bad for your administration. I say this because the unemployment rate is nearing 10 percent. With a population of 305 Million, that comes out to 30.5 Million Americans out of work. With job loses every month since January have been at least 500,000. I do think its time you looked at saving jobs for americans and punishing employers and employees who have illegals on the work force. And please, don't use the excuse that you inherited it. I speak for a lot of Americans when we say enough is enough when using that excuse, ITS OLD ALREADY. More than 80 percent of Americans are against any kind of amnesty. Remember that.

One way is the E-Verify, which your administration has for some reason delayed FOUR TIMES. on a system that is 99.6 percent effective, why would you not want it. Americans deserve these jobs before illegal alien lawbreakers do. Americans deserve them before illegals who have stolen or forged documentation. These people are criminals for lying on I-9, 1040W forms. The E-Verify needs to be made mandatory for every employer across the country.

This is one American that demands more boots on the ground on the southern border, including military to stop anything and everything that comes across that border. Its only a matter of time before another attack on the homeland happens, and if its found that the people who carry out the next attack just walked in over the open porous southern border, you are going to have 300 million Americans who are going to be MAD AS HELL because the elected officials did nothing to protect America.

Please remember. you work for the american people, NOT LOBBYISTS. NOT BIG BUSINESS. NOT LaRaza, MALDEF, LULAC, the US CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, OR ANY OTHER GROUP.

Your DHS Secretary is a joke. She condemns ICE for doing their job and then halts all ICE raids on employers. Then she has the nerve to say that she was not told about the raids in Washington state and that she didn't like that and was doing an in-house review... A review of what?? Let ICE do their damn job and arrest and deport illegal aliens. they are all criminals when they walk over a border or over stay visas. Americans want ICE raids. Remember after the raid in Washington state that removed 35 Illegals from jobs, some 250 Americans were there the next day applying. So Don't think there are jobs that Americans won't do, because this proves otherwise.

Mr Obama, its also come to my attention that you are going to be having some upcoming meetings with the Hispanic Caucus and other groups and people who favor amnesty for illegal aliens. Having heard names and read stories online I have to say that at as an American citizen, i take great offense to people who favor amnesty for illegals having any amount of time to meet with you to discuss this.
I also have not heard of you having meetings with people who oppose amnesty and think you should be fair to BOTH sides of the debate before you go further.

Remember in 06 and 07 when you and other Democrats tried to shove comprehensive immigration reform down the throats of the American people and we rose up and called all your offices on Capitol Hill so much that it made the phone lines go down. Think about that for a minute and KNOW that it will happen again if you and other Democratic flunkies and traitors think its okay to reward these people with citizenship. These people will not pay back taxes or fines, They will not learn English and they will not assimilate, Why you ask? BECAUSE they don't want too. The American people were asked for a one time amnesty in 1986. We were told never again. and We will not accept it today, tomorrow, or anytime in the future

I have also noticed something disturbing from you and your administration. When the late term abortion doctor was killed in Kansas a couple of weeks ago you made a quick response to what happened. However, two days later a US Army Soldier was killed and another injured by an American Muslim who was seeking revenge on fellow Muslims in the Mid-East. This is considered by many Americans to be the first terrorist attack on US Soil since 9-11-01. There was no immediate statement from you or your office. to this day the only thing i have saw was a statement where you supposedly said you were saddened. but your statement was far more harsh when the abortionist was killed. WHY IS THIS?
NY Times says that the Doctor in question had at one time even said he had killed some 60,000 fetuses, which in the last tri-mester might have survived. So you are okay this? and you say nothing about the US Military being assassinated by a terrorist? Its no wonder that you started using your middle name again when as when you were campaigning, you and others in your campaigned whined about it being used in the media. Hypocrite, i say.

Now, on trips overseas, STOP APOLOGIZING FOR AMERICA. We at home are sick and tired of it