Dear Illegal Alien:

In case you skipped civics class in order to protest on the streets of Chicago last week, you need to understand this: The United States is a sovereign nation operating in accordance with the rule of law.

No one----be it a PhD Chemist or toilet bowl cleaner--- has the right to come into the US based on that individual's unilateral decision to do so.

US borders and immigration laws govern access to America and must be complied with.

End of debate. Period. Done. Nada.

People who illegally cross our borders are outlaws, regardless of their purpose for invading. An apt analogy may help you understand: Bank robbers (those engaged in undocumented withdrawals, if you prefer) commit their crimes only in pursuit of a better life. But stealing from others to gain a better life for one's self is not only unlawful, it is un-American!

Unlawful aliens are really no better than US citizens who rob banks, except for this: Illegals have no legal, spiritual, moral or logical basis for being in the US. They are unwelcome here, and should be deported en masse. Now!

In fact, I believe the US should adopt policies employed by Mexico for dealing with illegal immigrants. In Mexico, they do not reward illegals with in-state tuition, driver's licenses and other foolishness.

No! In Mexico, the government simply jails illegals and deports them ASAP!

Maybe we can learn something from our third-world neighbors to the south after all?

Finally, thank your Latino friends for the Chicago protest. It helps our cause when American citizens can see 100,000 illegal immigrants marching to protest laws that will strengthen our homeland security and make US citizens safer.

Do it again and again, please! And be sure to wave a few dozen Mexican flags-----that really helps US citizens understand the urgency of passing this new law!