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  1. #1
    Senior Member koobster's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    A open letter to the president

    I found this and really loved it, I hope you all get a kick out of it also. I am writing my own and sending it to the good old boy the president.

    Koobster This is a short version.

    By Lynn Stuter

    It is only fitting mr president that I open this letter by saying that at no time in history, of this nation have the AMERICAN people been so ashamed of their president : watergate : whitewater: and Bill Clintons promiscuous tryst in the oval office with Monican Lewinski dont even compare, and those were certainly heinous enough. How could it get any worse? The answer is that when you became president during the two terms in office mr president you have,
    lied to the AMERICAN people
    mislead the AMERICAN people wittingly and with a purpose
    lead AMERICAN and the AMERICAN people into an undeclared war which has everything to do with oil and the bottom line on the personal financial statements of a select few people and companies and nothing to do with terrorism or freeing the Iraq people from tranny
    used the National Security Agency to peruse the Bank Records of AMERICANS
    signed into law the Patriot Act which has done nothing to deter terrorist but, has curtailed the rights and freedom of every AMERICAN
    used your office to undermine the AMERICAN economy and sell AMERICAN jobs overseas in a redistribution of wealth intended to distory the AMERICAN middle class.
    And you are through your second term.
    The American people are fed up, mr president with your lies damn lies and just plain old lies. You tell us our economy is good. but, the AMERICAN people know different. The American people are watching as AMERICAN companies built on the sweat of the AMERICAN labor, close their doors, take their profits and move their operations to foregin countries where they can pay people slave labor wages, yet sell the products manufactured for the same or higher prices, the profit from the same being used in part by those companies to buy politicians like yourself on capitol hill. That makes people angry when they watch what amounts to money laundering at the expense of the ability of the people in this nation to make a decent living.
    Then there is the illegal alien issue 12 to 20 million illegals in this country.
    These people are raping our Country, there is no other word for it. These people are like leeches sucking the very life blood out of our nation. They dont pay taxes, they dont pay for there health care, they dont pay for their education, they take AMERICAN jobs. Live in shacks and shanties and they send their wages out of this country they are criminals onse and all. They get to drive and kill AMERICANS they rape women and children. They murder AMERICANS, they sell dope, they smuggle dope into AMERICA.
    And what illegals are costing this nation is coming right out of the AMERICANS hard working pay check. AMERICANS are losing their jobs as you sell AMERICA out in a global redistribution of a wealth scheme that will only end when AMERICANS are living in a third world squalor. You have sold out every AMERICAN middle class the very people who labor has made this country what it is for the filthy lucre finding its way into your pockets and the pockets of your comrades.
    You are certainly kissing the body parts of the mexican president while serving up AMERICANS onto a platter to appease him.

    Check out the website they have good stories on their site. I enjoy a lot of the articals they have.
    Proud to be an AMERICAN

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Couer D Alene Id.
    Not so much a kick out of it .. I see it as the truth , and will forward to friends who still don't believe....
    My biggest heart ache is the people I know that still cn not or will not believe this is going on even when you produce the facts..

    Semper Fi

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