I read about this in the Book I read (On the line Inside the U.S. Border Patrol)))(( In the Book it also satated in the book that Mexico Government became upset and called our USA action to enforce our border laws Hostile in 1993 )))) you can do more research on this on other sites http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1141/is_n43_v29/ai_14236223 INS border patrol clamps down - U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service; Operation Blockade, El Paso, TX-Juarez, Mexico border
400 agents, vehicles, helicopters line up along 20-mile strip
EL PASO, Texas -- While Mexican and U.S. officials talk of NAFTA and open, cross-border trade, human rights activists here last week were sizing up a new, hard-fast clampdown of the border along a 20-mile strip separating this city from Juarez Mexico.
Church activists and other critics were depicting the move as a social experiment aimed at convincing the U.S. Congress that with enough
money and local policing Mexicans can be kept out of the United States.