I just saw Bill O'Reilly say on his nightly TV show, that he supports a guest worker program but is against any plan of workplace enforcement. Did anyone else see this? I know he has ben calling for the use of the National Guard to back up the Border Patrol for years, bu this is the first time that I've heard him being in favor of a guest worker plan for illegals. And from what I thought I heard jhim say, he is against any kind of employer or workplace enforcement or sanctions is because he says it would be impossible to implement. How friggin' ridiculous is that? For one thing, we already have laws against the use of faked, forged or stolen ID's for employment, if only our govt. would step up and start enforcing the laws already on the books against the illegal workers. And as far as the employers go, we do have Social Security number verification systems in place, if only they would use them. But of course, without any fear of penalty for employing illegals, why bother? I never have been a huge fan of O'Reilly, I think he is all mouth and no spine (That's why I call his show, the "No Spine Zone") but now I'm afraid I have lost what little respect I had for him in the forst place, what a disappointment. He sure isn't looking out for me, what do you think?