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  1. #1
    Senior Member oldguy's Avatar
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    Oreilly on Immigration:

    Oreilly had a segment on his show yesterday 8/24/11 that was excellent on cost of illegal Immigration, while I believe his numbers were low as he claimed 57% of illegals used some type of welfare,(I believe it to be much higher) Lou Dobbs also spoke on the subject.

    While I'm not a huge fan of Oreilly's I do give him a thumbs up for shedding light on a huge part of our money problems.
    I'm old with many opinions few solutions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    In the water
    Illegals are a big part of the problem and i believe his numbers are low also.Look what illegals cost,taking jobs from AMERICAN WORKERS,using SS. medicade medicare they never pay into,no insurence health or car this cost legal insurence payers higher cost for insurence payments,gangs,drugs murders, and all types of criminal activities.If the goeverment would inforce the laws look what it would save the U.S.And put people back to work.

  3. #3

    Re: Oreilly on Immigration:

    Quote Originally Posted by oldguy
    Oreilly had a segment on his show yesterday 8/24/11 that was excellent on cost of illegal Immigration, while I believe his numbers were low as he claimed 57% of illegals used some type of welfare,(I believe it to be much higher) Lou Dobbs also spoke on the subject.

    While I'm not a huge fan of Oreilly's I do give him a thumbs up for shedding light on a huge part of our money problems.
    Here is that segment OldGuy with the Video

    Bill O'Reilly: Welfare in America

    By Bill O'Reilly

    As just about everybody knows, America is broke. The government owes more than $14 trillion. So spending has to be cut, possibly including some welfare payments to the poor.

    In 2002, the poverty rate in America was about 12 percent. In 2009, it was about 14 percent, up two points despite more than $4 trillion in welfare spending over that period.

    The big kahuna is Medicaid, which counts for $276 billion this year, an 87 percent rise in 10 years. Medicaid is money the federal government gives to the states to pay for health expenses for the poor.

    Food stamps are also big, up a whopping 256 percent in nine years. Child nutrition programs are up 82 percent, low income energy assistance is up 190 percent and direct payments to Americans who earn low wages are up 353 percent. That's the redistribution of income.

    Welfare spending is 15 percent of the entire federal budget, but that's deceiving because Medicare and Social Security account for 33 percent. If you take those mandated expenses out of the equation, then welfare payments account for 22 percent of the total budget, a big number.

    A recent Rasmussen poll says that 71 percent of Americans believe too many people are receiving welfare who should not be getting it. Just 18 percent of us say more people should receive welfare.

    On the immigration front, 57 percent of households with kids, both legal and illegal, are on some kind of government assistance, and obviously this is causing some resentment. It's not that illegal aliens themselves get welfare, although some of them do, but it is the children of illegals who cannot be denied.

    The Democratic Party in general does not want to cut government assistance programs to the poor or even to illegal aliens. The basic philosophy of President Obama's party is to redistribute income to those who do not have very much, regardless of their status.

    A fair system would hold those receiving government assistance accountable. That is, if they turn things around, they would have to pay back a portion of what they received and they would actively have to try to get work. If they do not, the benefits cease.

    President Clinton signed the Welfare Reform Act in 1996 and that slowed the entitlement industry down a bit. But over the past few years, it has picked up steam again.

    The feds must impose discipline here and in every other federal spending situation.

    And that's "The Memo."

    Pinheads and Patriots

    Ninety-year-old Nancy Reagan was attending an event at the Reagan Presidential Library in California when she almost fell. Florida Senator Marco Rubio, who was there to speak at the event, saved Mrs. Reagan from her spill. Obviously the senator is a patriot, as is Nancy Reagan.

    — You can catch Bill O'Reilly's "Talking Points Memo" and "Pinheads & Patriots" weeknights at 8 and 11 p.m. ET on the Fox News Channel and any time on Send your comments to:

    Read more: ... z1W3fZ628y

  4. #4
    Senior Member oldguy's Avatar
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    Aug 2007
    Thanks for posting video, the media has been so political correct they seldom will speak of welfare however they do attack so called entitlements such as social security and Medicare my point let us talk about the entire picture... I was somewhat surprised with Oreilly perhaps he feels it's begin to harm his portfolio.

    What I see in my area with high numbers of illegals, Lonestar card, Wic, school service, health services, sometimes housing and yet they drive a 30-40K pickup, well I guess if your living expense is free making $399+ pickup payment would not be difficult. We bailed out Chevolet so they need customers....
    I'm old with many opinions few solutions.

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