On the O'Reilly Sphincter show tonight he had on a lawyer with a young girl, one of three anchor kids of a deported Mexican illegal alien woman. He sympathized with the girl whose illegal alien mother was deported, treating the girl the same as any other American citizen, just because she was born here to illegal alien parents. When he asked them about the father of the girl the lawyer said he was in prison... gee, what a shock. When he asked about who was caring for the girl and her siblings, they said they were staying with an aunt. When asked if the aunt was an illegal, the lawyer got all flustered and said he didn't know, which means she is probably illegal too, no doubt. O'Reilly says he is against illegal immigration, but supports reunification of anchor baby children with their illegal alien parents, here of course. How can he be against illegal immigration, but have no problem with every illegal who happens to spout out an anchor baby being allowed to stay here?