Jean Wrote:


Just so happens I attended a funeral 3 days ago for a deceased veteran. Had the gun salute, played taps and had the flag folding ceremony. Very moving to say the least. So this ceremony is fresh in my mind on this day.
Jean, I was at Arlington Cemetery in Riverside,Ca. at my Father-in-Laws ceremony last year. I know what you mean, the reality of hearing the "21 gun salute" and "taps" in true formation is spectacular and it seems to light something inside of a person that does`nt go away.
My farther-in-Law was a retired "Brigadier General". He served in WW11, and the Korean War. Some here may remember him. He was the C.O.(Commanding Officer) from 1972-1982 at Fort Erwin, in CA. He lead the National Guard troops to control the "WATTS" riots in LA.
His name was "Erving. J. Taylor".