ALIPAC Supporters:

We are hard at work putting the finishing touches on our plans to endorse candidates in over 80% of the races in 2006.

Candidate endorsements and contributions will be made using a host of information and research along with candidate pledges and surveys.
The final decisions will be made by the ALIPAC executive officers and the board of Advisors. Each ALIPAC supporter will be able to have input on our decisions

The problem that will emerge is that 1. Not all ALIPAC supporters will agree on candidates. 2. Fringe groups from both sides will try to use our forums to derail the process. 3. Opposing campaigns will try to sway opinion and attack using our forums. 4. Opposing campaigns and the media may try to use these forums against the strategy and goals of ALIPAC and our endorsments.

We need your help to consider how to address this serious problem. Currently, ALIPAC is the only PAC and immigration enforcement group that both tries to run a forum and work with candidates.

I'm personally not sure how we should address this. We could shut own the forums for the election year and make them read only or we could come up with a set of rules that might work.

We want everyone that cares about illegal immigration to have a place to be heard and more importantly a place to use as a base of operations for the communications and volunteerism that can be a big part of our strength in the 2006 elections.

At the same time, do we want someone that works for an opposing campaign or an Open Borders candidate to be able to come here and anonymously subvert our efforts?

How to properly balance the open exchange of ideas and opinions while at the same time not alienating ourselves from the process so much that we lose effectiveness is a real challenge ahead.

I'd like to hear your ideas and opinions about this as we work to address this issue and finalize our plans and prepare to proceed with the mission.