Our immigration laws are NOT broken and I am so tired of hearing that they are from illegal aliens and pro-illegal immigration advocates. Our immigration laws are not broken and those that say they are, do not know what they are. Our immigration laws only need to be obeyed and enforced. What is broken is the Mexican government that allows and encourages it’s people to break our immigration laws and our government who allow and encourages illegal aliens to break our immigration laws.

What is it about illegal aliens and people like Rick Sanchez that they do not understand what illegal means. Illegal aliens break every immigration law this country have and still they think they have a right to be here and a right to every right that America citizen have, just because they are here.

They have no right to be here, no right to work here, go to school, have access to our public services, rent or buy home, buy and drive car, etc. They are trespassers on land that is not theirs. Some of our Representatives, state and local officials want to give them more rights than citizens of this country have.

We have immigration laws that allows immigrants to enter this country and to work. We have immigration laws that allows immigrants to become legal citizens. Just because we do not have laws that allows anyone to come in at will, stay and work does not mean our immigration laws are broken. It means that we do not have immigration laws that are allowed to be broken.

We have laws that allows our immigration laws to be enforced. ICE is legally enforcing those laws by raid on business that hire illegal aliens and allows ICE to arrest and deport those who are here working illegally.