
1. Who would think it important enough to give amnesty and later citizenship to convicted criminals still serving time in jail?

2. Who want to give citizenship to relatives of someone who served in a war (conflict) 50 years ago.

3. Who could ever think up a bill that would allow legal aliens to apply for a $500.00 grant to learn English and apply for citizenship?

4. Who considers it important to give illegal aliens social security benefits?

5. Who could vote against adopting English as our national language?

The answer is your Senators...

Senators who have made such a mess of our country. Senators who have remained in office for far too long.

It's very discouraging to see how the Senate is using every available tool to support open borders, and vast increases in immigration... both legal and illegal.

Please go to NUMBERSUSA and send a free fax to your Senator and demand that your rights as a citzen come before those of illegal aliens. Write the newspaper... notify your representive and don't forget to Support HR-4437.

Tell your friends and neighbors to be aware of what's happening.
It's no longer politically correct NOT to speak up....loud and clear.

