The strangest thing happened tonight.
I sat down with my family to watch some television.
I saw that FOX had "Everybody Loves Raymond" on as it normally does at 7pm. Reruns.
I turned to that station and then sat and stared along with the rest of my family, the entire show was in SPANISH!
At first we all just stared at the tv. We thought maybe it was part of the show, a joke. Nope it was the entire show dubbed in Spanish.
I guess they mixed up the dubbed version with the American version by accident. But I took it as a bad sign. It was a sad and surreal moment.
We already have two local channels in spanish. HBO has a latin channel now HBOL, that is new here. And pay per view has the entire set of 400's channels as Spanish.
The other day I heard a McDonalds commerical in spanish.
I am hearing a lot more Mexican music in the backgrounds of commericals.
And suddenly some of the announcers, narrators for commericals have a obviously Hispanic accent.
It just brings it home to me more and more each day that our the culture they call diverse, I call divisive.