Caution: Bleeding Heart Editorial:

Our view: Feds need to handle illegal immigration
Public Opinion Online
Chambersburg Public Opinion

If there were a true-false test on the impact of illegal immigration in Franklin County, how many would pass?

Over the past few months Public Opinion reporters have attempted to find the truth among the many strongly-held opinions that Franklin Countians have about illegal immigration. Documented facts were hard to come by, but interviews with local officials suggest that while illegal immigration is indeed a problem, it has not reached the magnitude locally that many people may imagine:

-- Illegal immigrants are not committing more crime locally than people of other races.

-- Illegal immigrants are not taking jobs from whites in Franklin County.

-- Illegal immigrants are not receiving vast amounts of welfare and public housing at taxpayers' expense.


-- Illegal immigrants are impacting the local schools and health care system, although no one can measure the extent.

-- No one knows with certainty how many illegal immigrants live in Franklin County.

-- Some people are willing to judge an entire culture by its lawbreakers.

It's also clear that local communities cannot solve the problem of illegal immigration. Securing borders is a federal responsibility -- and the federal government has failed spectacularly to come up with a solution. Local law enforcement officers, doctors, schools and social workers have neither the resources nor legal authority to enforce immigration law.

That some communities are trying to solve the illegal immigration problem on their own is a reflection of the frustration many people feel -- frustration which is in danger of evolving into a generalized anger against all Hispanics.

What's needed is: 1) an accurate understanding of the true scope of the problem; and 2) immediate visible steps, as well as a long-term plan, by the president and Congress to curb illegal immigration. Components include greater border security and a copy-proof ID card, followed by sanctions on employers who fail to do due diligence in screening job candidates for legal status.

Meanwhile, it's important that we here in Franklin County not overstate the impact of illegal immigration locally, or resort to emotion and stereotyping that harm the legal immigrants and Hispanic-Americans who are contributing daily to the local tax base and quality of life.

-- Becky Bennett, written on behalf of Public Opinion's editorial board.