An Open Letter to Congress

The US government tells us there are about 15 million illegal aliens in the United States of America, right at this moment. Now congress wants to grant total amnesty to every one of them. 15,000,000 is equal to the total population of Wyoming, Vermont, North Dakota, Alaska, South Dakota, Delaware, Montana, Rhode Island, Hawaii, New Hampshire, Maine, Idaho, Nebraska, and West Virginia. That is thirteen states. (How ironic) I think this is an outrage and no politician that votes yes on this matter should ever be voted back into public office. The Untied States Congress got us into this mess by being a total failure. They failed us and they failed the good citizens of other countries who want to come here legally. This is malfeasance of the highest order. You, Congress, have failed to protect our borders and you must be held accountable. You must demand that employers be held accountable and punished for hiring illegal aliens now and in the future. You must secure our borders. You must demand better alien identification cards with imbedded information chips that can not be forged or duplicated. You must not grant total amnesty. There must be a middle ground for treating these aliens fairly but total amnesty is not that solution.
