Fred Barnes, and Mort Kondracke have lost all credibility with me on the issue of illegal immigration. Fred Barnes's argument might be credible if the nations public school system were teaching patriotism and cultural, historical, traditions of America.

But with multiculturalism, and so many of our teachers being liberal, America haters, I feel the cement that holds our country together is being discarded for, a balkanized society

I agree with Buchanan, that the commonality of ideas that holds such diverse ethnicities together is being destroyed.

And if you notice in the transcript below, Fred Barnes, can never bring himself to say the word "ILLEGAL".

Kondracke says, "Nobody wants people to be crossing the border illegally, almost nobody". Well, if you can't even bring yourself to say the word "ILLEGAL" how can you ever recognize the problem of unsecured borders?

Though there are Republican's that are working hard to stop the illegal invasion, and fighting for secure borders, and I "WILL" support these guys. I tend to agree with Pat Buchanan's description, that the Republican/Democrat Parties are two wings of the same bird of prey on this issue. I'm disgusted by all of them.

Here is the email address for Special Report w/Brit Hume - Let them know what you think of this sorry debate!

August 24, 2006
Special Report Roundtable - August 24
FOX News Special Report With Brit Hume

BUCHANAN: France and the United States has got a moral and a constitutional obligation to defend this country from an invasion. And when you stop six million people in the last five and a half years in his tenure and he can't even tell us how many illegals made it through and one in every 12 he tells us has a criminal record, he is not doing his constitutional duty.

HUME: Pat Buchanan has written a lot of books, but this new one, called "State of Emergency" as we heard from Major Garrett's report, just concluded before the commercial break, has people talking. It's zoomed to the top of the Amazon sales charts. He cites a number of statistics, alarming seeming statistics. One in 12 illegal immigrants has a criminal record, he says. In Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding homicide warrants target illegal aliens. And he says between 10 and 20 percent of all the Mexicans, Central Americans, and Caribbean people by percentage of their populations are already here.

Some thoughts on this issue now from Fred Barnes, executive editor of the "Weekly Standard"; Mort Kondracke, executive editor of "Roll Call"; and Nina Easton, Washington bureau chief of "Fortune" magazine, FOX NEWS contributors all three.
So, Nina, what do we have here? Do we have -- this is -- Pat's arguments are going to be heard, he's all over the TV. The book is being read. How does this stand?
NINA EASTON, "FORTUNE" MAGAZINE; Pat has this bizarre tendency in this argument to blur illegal immigration, which we're all concerned about, with legal immigration. And even in his comments.

HUME: Well, he wants a moratorium on all immigration.

EASTON: All immigration. This is also somebody who has written, by the way, in the past, saying that the birth control pill is a suicide pill for the West because of declining birth rates. Pat Buchanan's bottom line problem is that people of brown skin are multiplying faster than people with white skin, if you really cut down.

HUME: You think this is a racist argument? ... gu_13.html