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Thread: Patriotism....

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  1. #1
    Senior Member bearpaw's Avatar
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    There is a difference between patriotism and chauvinism (misguided patriotism).
    Thoughtful patriots understand the complexities involved in our love relationship with our country. (Patriotism means love and care for one's own homeland, based on the Latin word “patria” meaning the land of one's fathers).Ongoing debate and differences of opinion are essential in the American system. To believe otherwise is to operate with a misguided understanding of patriotism, often referred to as chauvinism. Chauvinism is zealous and aggressive, believing that “God is on our side” and putting blind uncritical faith in one’s leaders. Chauvinist beliefs are once again gaining prominence in our society. In defense against this, thoughtful patriots must reclaim the vision on which America was founded.

    Patriotism should not be based on the mistaken premise that America was founded as a Christian nation.
    Although there are those who believe that our founding fathers intended for America to be a Christian nation, these viewpoints do not reflect the spirit of the founding fathers who were fearful of religious interference in the rule of law. Instead, they reflect the spirit of Cotton Mather and later thinkers who believed that Americans were people of “chosenness” and destiny. In reality, the founding fathers were rationalists and deists.

    Patriotism holds America to the ideals on which it was founded.
    Embodied in our country’s founding documents is the belief that our government is charged with the responsibility to serve the common good. These documents emphasize that all people are created equal and have the right to life, liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness. Especially applicable to our situation today is the constitutional insistence on the separation of church and state. Although the vision of America enshrined in our founding documents is consistent with the biblical vision of peace and wholeness, it does not advocate a theocracy (a country ruled by God, or the people who say they speak for God) in America.

    Patriotism is based on compassion rather than hatred.
    Compassion, not hatred, is the hallmark of true patriotism (love, devotion, and care). It is the foundation on which we build the just society envisioned by our country’s founders. The stark reality is that there are two classes of people in the United States - - the haves and the have-nots. True patriots will strive to pay the price so that the underclass and all those who are denied access to the American dream of liberty and justice for all will share in it.

    Patriotism affirms the diversity that is inherent in our unity.
    America is a great experiment made up of diverse elements striving to live together in a reconciled and affirming manner. We are truly a pluralistic people, and we all add different gifts to the strengthening of our country. Yet we all share in a common underlying humanity and underlying dream. Sadly, this vision of a diverse yet unified America is not always reflected in reality. One measure of patriotism is a commitment to support the inclusion of all Americans in the promise of the American dream.

    A true patriot has the courage to call our leaders to accountability.
    Patriotism is about keeping the focus on the vision. When that vision is defiled, patriots are willing to stand in opposition to policies that are unjust and do not reflect the high ideals on which this country was founded. They will object to policies that are destructive of the common good. They address the devastating realities of our times by such actions as becoming informed about the founding vision of our country, working to elect wise and compassionate leaders, being prepared to sacrifice so that others might share in America’s promise, and if necessary, being willing to die for a cause that is just and honorable.
    Work together for the benefit of all mankind

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Nice, BEARPAW! Worth reading to re-inspire
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  3. #3
    Senior Member AmericanElizabeth's Avatar
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    The only point I will debate in this all with you is the fact that we awere "not" started as a Christian nation. We were.

    All of our founding fathers spoke often of the necessity to adhere to the principles of the Bible and deferring to God in all things.

    For example, here is a brief quote from Samuel Adams to Arthur Lee in 1771, "Revelation assures us that 'righteousness exalteth a nation.'"

    If he had not believed it to be so, he would not have said it. He referred to the actual book of Revelations.

    If you'd like there are many other quotes on Gods will for this country, as stated by Goerge Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Benjamin Rush, andon like that. They all believed that in order for this nation to prosper and be a success, it's inhabitants needed to show deferrance and gratefullness to God for it all.

    I do not think that what they were talking about was any kind of "Manifest Destiny" issue as some might say American Christians believe, it was only about acknowledging God in all that we decided and all that we had, to be thankful and live within Biblical morals and ethics.

    The rest of your post is true and good, this is the only point I wanted to share with you about.
    "In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated, and Scorned. When his cause succeeds however,the timid join him, For then it costs nothing to be a Patriot." Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  4. #4
    Senior Member bearpaw's Avatar
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    Thank you. I particlarly like the last paragraph.
    Work together for the benefit of all mankind

  5. #5
    Senior Member nittygritty's Avatar
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    Bearpaw, you need to send that to Jeff Sessions to read on the senate floor! or to Ted Poe R. house rep. out of tx. I saw him read a letter from a citizen on the floor the other day. That is a truly remarkable piece of work you wrote there.
    Build the dam fence post haste!

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Patriotism should not be based on the mistaken premise that America was founded as a Christian nation.
    To me it does not say it wasn't. What it does say to me is,the American Dream went beyond any one religious belief. To believe in that dream does not require or depend on christian beliefs. Another words it is as irrelivant to the issue or discussion as skin color is to illegal immigration. It can stand on it's own merit.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Scottsbluff, Nebraska
    My personal response.

    Fair Notice: The following contains what many term as "religious" material. We are blessed with freedom of religion. The wording doesn't state "Freedom FROM Religion".....

    Our founding fathers had a healthy FEAR of God the Creator. It is obvious they understood how God has always dealt with nations who turn against Him. To suddenly, in our day and age, begin passing around the statement "contrary to popular belief, this nation wasn't founded upon Christianity", is the same thing as verbally announcing that which is in the heart - against God and Christ.

    Jesus Christ is written to have been (and IS) the SON of the same God our founding forefathers feard and respected and loved. How could our forefathers, knowing Jesus the Christ to be the SON of their God, then, be non-Christian when to do so would also be foisting spite and disrespect to the Father at the same time?

    Traditionally, the Creator has dealt with nations who have turned their backs on Him in totality by first pronouncing drought, famine and illness onto the nation in question. Tornados, violent storms, hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes increase with intensity which have been His "watermarks" to show His displeasure and growing anger. If the people of the nation are alert and recognize these signs by a majority number and repent (turn away from that which is KNOWN to be displeasing to God) - then the nation is restored and blessed with abundance.

    But to the nations (as recorded throughout biblical history) who scoff at the idea God is sending chastisement upon them and they continue to degrade and defile themselves and their nation - God eventually removes his protective authority over that land and permits it to be attacked, pillagd and plundered as He allows "hoards" to over-run it.

    An open minded study of Old Testament history in how the God of Heaven has dealt with unrepentant nations should reveal the truth to you. And if you know what is good for you, you should then take a look at those historical nations which are no more and take note of just how the same signs and "hoards" have been increasing here in the United States of America.

    While everyone has the freedom of religion - bless the souls of those who drafted the documents upon which this nation was founded - it really is foolhearty to denounce the One who has blessed this nation all these years.

    Just because you cannot SEE or physically HEAR God, does not mean He doesn't exist. As a matter of fact, He is soon to prove to every "doubting Thomas" that he indeed DOES exist. I feel so horrified for those who are going to be "caught with their pants down". Honestly, I really do.

    But - they have been told. It has always been, is, and always will be about personal choice.

    I will NEVER hide behind a wall when faced with Jesus Christ. The stakes are too great to reject Him or to slight Him in any way.

    Besides, God is known as the author of LOVE, and He even proclaims to BE love. Take a look around this world and tell me what is lacking. Then tell me WHO is being squelched because it s "lacked".

    The United States of America, in order to continue it's existence as we've always known it - CANNOT be separated from God and His Word.

    Oh man, this has forced me to utter something akin to a sermon - and I don't even like sermons myself. Forgive me, but please take it for what it's worth. If you don't like it, our "land of the free" does provide you the option to ignore it and move on. It is your right.
    Pro Patri Vigilans! Death to Aztlan!!

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