Readers - Please post corrections, to these figures.

An attempt to run the numbers was posted last January.
With the senate demanding amnesty again, let's take another look at the numbers:

From the url:
Revisions, from previous posting, are in blue
There is one estimate that
illegals may be 40 million
here, but there are many documentations
that their numbers were 22.5 million a few months ago. These figures
do not take into account the monthly additions (border crossings).

US Job Destruction Tally and Estimates thru the year 2010-2012

Job Destruction - Known figures and Projections:

1,000,000 NAFTA (jobs lost to NAFTA)
1,600,000 jobs offshored to India (Tata, Wiprospectramind, Infosys, etc.)
350,000 H-1B (jobs lost to H-1B non-immigrant visa holders)
500,000 Estimated H-1Bs who "forgot to go home" - illegal aliens on expired non-immigrant visas
22,500,000 illegal aliens from Mexico - previously was 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens

26,000,000 Total Jobs lost to date. This was previously quoted as 14,450,000.

Unknown figures today (somebody else has the info, I just don't)

? L-1 Visa holders
? L-1 Visa holders who forgot to go home
? Manufacturing jobs forfeited to Communist China

Rough Projections, Known Estimates (includes # to date above)
to the year 2010 - 2012

1,000,000+ to NAFTA
________ to CAFTA (somebody help me with the figures here!!)
________ to OTHER FTAA (somebody help me with the figures here!!)
8,000,000 Offshored to India (est. figure to reach 10 million during or after 2010)
________ the offshored figure will double under the Nukes for Mangoes Trade Agreement.
350,000+ H-1B (jobs lost to visa card holders)
500,000+ H-1B who forgot to go home. (today's figure, this will go far higher by 2010)
22,500, 000+ illegal aliens was previously 16,000,000+ Illegal Aliens
36,500,000+ H-5Bs (legalized illegals) with Amnesty granted*

68,850,000 (very conservative) Total, this was previously posted as 62,350,000+ where approximations are known
Tata announced last year that that they plan to hire 10 million new employees in India, may or may not be factored into the 8-10 million offshored jobs by 2010. Usually for every employee Tata hires (in India), an America gets fired. Add to that, the hirings of Wiprospectramind, Sat'yam, Infosys, and other body shops, it gets way way worse.

The above figures are twice the entire population of the state of New York.
If you do a rough percentage of the US population 2004 census, you wind up with about 22-25% of the US population will have forfeited their jobs to foreign nationals. But the percentage is a lot worse than that, because I figured the percentage against total population instead of total eligible to work. If you consider that every layoff will affect 4 people adversely, we're looking at about 80% of the US population being adversely affected. Would our elected officials notice? No, because such affects are not on the agenda of the Council on Foreign Relations.

If you want to measure the effects of the job destruction, multiply each figure by 4 to approximate the effects on each family of 4. Hence - it can be argued that by 2010, 69 million middle class families will be demoted to lower class then former middle class Americans will be forced to compete (for jobs) with H-5B visa holders (legalized illegals).

ADD TO THIS the figures and projections I don't have.

___ to CAFTA
___ to Manufacturing jobs by Communist China (how many millions?)
___ L-1 Visa holders present
___ L-1 Visa holders who forgot to go home.
Anyone know what these figures are?

Here's something else to figure in - jobs destroyed by Walmart; it's been written that for every 2 part-time employees that Walmart hires, 3 full time people on the outside lose their jobs.

*36,500,000 Amnesty recipients - not all are wage earners. However, all of them will enjoy tax free income (due to wage rate and filing status), free public education, free medical at emergency rooms, free food stamps and other welfare benefits, and plenty of criminal opportunities. You tell me what this will do to our medical community - thanks to John McCain and Teddy K.