Pelosi un-American
March 24, 2009

It has been reported that House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, was invited by Illinois's own Representative Luis Guitierrez to speak before a group of immigrants gathered in San Francisco.

There she praised the group, a large portion of who were in the U.S. illegally, as "very, very patriotic." She then went on to make assertions, not supported by the facts, that Internal Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials were engaging in inappropriate conduct toward these immigrants and she condemned ICE for enforcing U.S. laws by rounding up the criminals in their homes or workplaces.

In Pelosi's view, the enforcement of U.S. laws by an agency of the federal government must be stopped. "It must be stoppedÂ…what value system is this? I think it's un-American. I think it's un-American."

Mrs. Pelosi represents California, a state overrun by illegal immigrants who are sucking the life's blood out of state resources. And Pelosi must not have read the story that appeared in the Chicago Tribune about the illegal immigrant who stole nearly $600,000 in medical services from taxpayers by producing fake identity that showed she was a U.S. citizen. Had she read it, I doubt that she would care. We can see from her authorship of the idiotic stimulus bill, and from her flagrant use of corporate jets at taxpayer expense that she has no interest in and zero capability for protecting the fiscal health of our nation.

Illegal immigration has been a problem for years. Congress has no interest in solving the problem. They can write and pass legislation in 24 hours to limit corporate executive bonuses, but they can't ever quite get around to enacting and supporting laws that would better protect our borders, our national safety and our financial resources.

In my view, Pelosi is un-American--as are those who agree with her position. Further, she is a walking advertisement for the need to have a competency test for anyone taking a seat in congress.

--Charles F. Falk
