the Alabama Minutemen have set up a web site with a forum.

For all of those here that are from Alabama, I want to see this web site take off. ALIPAC to me is a national site that has made such an incredible impact on all states. Alabama is still behind the times. I think it will help if Alabamians have somewhere to go locally where they can get local info on how illegal immigration affects their state.

As much as I would like to go to the border, I simply can't with kids at home. I am trying to do my part in Alabama by putting articles and information on this site. I would appreciate any assistance possible to get Alabama informed!

The site is

Thanks guys!

Sorry I have not been around as much as I would like to be, but right now, I am trying to find a place to put my home before January 31st. It is not an easy task! LOVE YOU ALL! Keep up the fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And William, thanks so much for your concern and encouragement!