The mayor of phoenix looks beaten ...... he just spoke live on CNN , wow for someone who's suppose to be out spoken , he sure looks like a man facing defeat ..

go on keep calling this a civil rights issue , yeah , the civil rights of everyone in the freaking world to walk right into our country and start using our services and taking our jobs ...

he says he now has 24/7 personal security ....

he goes on to mention that we've lost 90 million in convention and vistior related money ... awwwwww 90 million vs the upwards of 2 billion we end up paying each year for illegals ... wow i think i can do math ....

you let me know when the boycott ends up costing us over 2 billion dollars ..

the reporter lobbed him nothing but softballs , didn't bring up the point of view of the oppostion at ALL ....

this is why i hate CNN ..