Message sent by Jeff Schwilk of the San Diego Minutemen

San Diego Director, Rob Baker, 619-557-6343

Please call your local ICE office too if you don't live in SD County. Let's flood them with support today while they get bashed in the media in Chicago and other cities.

I just spoke to a senior official at the San Diego office and they really appreciate the press conference and rally we are having at 11.

The San Diego ICE office alone has deported over 23,000 illegal aliens in the past 12 months and are prosecuting deportees who return. Even I was surprised by that high number. That's a lot of bad guys who are no longer committing crimes in our country!!

Things are getting a lot better and we need to support ICE and demand that Congress give them more funding and manpower so they can do more workplace enforcement.

Call you Congressman today too!

Jeff Schwilk
Founder, SDMM
Discover the REAL Mexico

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