I guess we need top make sure these 5 democrats hear that they made a good choice and NOT to change their mind!

Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2009 16:22:20 -0400

Subject: We need to hold these 5 Democrats accountable

Dear Friend,

On Monday, the Colorado Senate narrowly rejected an important bill, Senate Bill 170, which would have allowed high school students in Colorado to attend College as Colorado residents regardless of their immigration status.

Contrary to assertions made during the debate over this bill, giving the children of undocumented immigrants the ability to attend college would not have increased the burden on Colorado's higher education system. The bill would have in fact qualified Colorado for additional funding once the federal DREAM Act is passed, and in any case the additional pool of college graduates in Colorado would have economic benefits far in excess of the cost--this is one of the reasons why we send kids to college in the first place.

While Republicans can be expected to sell out to the fringe elements of their party, it is unfortunate that a small number of normally good Democrats were key votes against tuition equity, and we need your help to hold their "no" votes accountable. Take a moment right now to sign our pledge calling on Democrats who opposed Senate Bill 170 to support it next year:

Hold representatives who voted against tuition equity accountable
The Colorado Senate narrowly rejected an important bill, Senate Bill 170, which would have allowed high school students in Colorado to attend College as Colorado residents regardless of their immigration status.

Contrary to assertions made during the debate over this bill, giving the children of undocumented immigrants the ability to attend college would not have increased the burden on Colorado’s higher education system. The bill would have in fact qualified Colorado for additional funding once the federal DREAM Act is passed, and in any case the additional pool of college graduates in Colorado would have economic benefits far in excess of the cost—this is one of the reasons why we send kids to college in the first place.

While Republicans can be expected to sell out to the fringe elements of their party, it is unfortunate that a small number of normally good Democrats were key votes against tuition equity.

Senators Morgan Carroll, Jim Isgar, Moe Keller, Linda Newell, and Lois Tochtrop, we are disappointed by your votes against Senate Bill 170, and we call on you to reject the extremist rhetoric on the issue of immigration and support tuition equity when reintroduced to the legislature.

http ://progress nowcolorado(dot)/tuitionequity2010

We will deliver your comments to the 5 Democrats who wrongly voted against tuition equity--Senators Morgan Carroll, Jim Isgar, Moe Keller, Linda Newell, and Lois Tochtrop--and keep you up to date next time the issue goes before the legislature. Working together, we can help avoid the same mistakes that were made this week.


Michael Huttner