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Below is my response to Human Rights Now "Tell Arizona’s Governor to Veto SB1070!!!" They are in campaign mode to stop the bill in AZ making it illegal to be illegal in AZ... Anyway thought you might want to add your 2 cents worth.


I am proud of all lawmakers in Arizona who have finally come to their senses and have taken off those nasty politically correct gloves. What you are doing will help save this Nation. If our Immigration laws weren't being broken on a daily basis there would be no need for this bill.

ILLEGALS... just leave on your own, that is the solution. There are ILLEGALS in our Country from all over the world and it is time for you ALL to go home. You have worn out your welcome here. This is NOT your home. Living on American soil DOES NOT make you an American. There are people waiting in line all over the world who want to come to America LEGALLY. You instead decided to disregard American Immigration law and should be in jail, so feel relieved you will only be deported.

Americans need to hit the reset button and get this Country back on course. We need to clean out our Country first. It is time to stop the insanity.

As a white girl I won't pretend to understand your concerns regarding racial profiling... oh wait, I am also a Tea Party Patriot. Would racial profiling be anything like being called a racist just because you are white? Well on second thought, maybe I do understand...

My advice, if you aren't breaking the law, you have nothing to fear. All I know is, I am not breaking the law and have no reason to fear those who enforce the law. They can stop me all day long and I will not complain if I know my cooperation will help solve the issues destroying this Country. It would be a small sacrifice to make.

On the other hand, if I were breaking the law each day the sun rises and sets just by being here, maybe I too would fear law enforcement... huh, go figure.