Did anyone listen to the "Anointed One's" speech? Nothing but flowery words and more one world government rhetoric while trying to invoke the name of John F Kennedy who unlike Obama cared about this country and the American people. Talk about the irony of hearing an alumni from the Harvard School of Marxism as Obama indirectly invoking or paraphrasing one of Kennedy's more famous lines "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" when Komrade Obama plans to turn the US into the world's health care, welfare and employment agency. He said he will scour the budget for programs that offer little value to the economy but will ignore the 400 billion dollars taxpayers annually spend on illegal immigration. He will ignore the fact that the proposed stimulus will be a massive taxpayer financed illegal alien jobs and benefits ponzi scheme because he will repeal all laws and enforcement actions including e-verify through Napolitano who time after time has publicly stated her opposition to e-verify and other measures which ultimately will ensure the continued employment of third world cheap labor for Obama's corporate masters and votes to keep the Globalist open border Demoncrats and Repukeblicans in power. We have been had and I am afraid it is going to be an expensive lesson for the millions of naive, empty headed minions who have been led off the cliff and into the third world abyss of poverty, misery and despair.