This is posted in Announcements as well.

Friends of ALIPAC,

The illegal aliens and their supporters are planning massive marches again on May 1. Some of their supporters claim they will have over 1 million people in the streets in over 200 cities.

On May 1 of 2006, they took to the streets and made a huge strategic mistake. When America saw crowds of illegal aliens in our streets carrying Mexican flags, the backlash was huge! ALIPAC experienced our biggest new member and donor day on May 1, 2006.

While the major affiliates broadcast false information that the 2006 protests had concluded without incident, there were three major clashes between protesters and police in Southern California. Thanks to the ALIPAC Action Network, of which you are part of, we were able to get the news out to many Americans about these clashes.

The backlash was so severe, despite organizer's efforts to replace Mexican flags with American flags in subsequent marches, that they were unable to muster many people at all in May of 2007.

Now, the illegal alien supporting groups feel they have momentum again and are taking to the streets.

While some counter protests are being arranged by good groups like our friends Voice of the People USA in Hazleton, PA. some other more fringe and less trustworthy groups are trying to organize counter protests in other cities. If you are approached about attending a rally, please check in with us to see if it is being arranged by a well organized and trusted organization or not, before attending.

ALIPAC's Game plan for May 1, 2008

We need your help to make our countermeasures for May 1, 2008 a success. May 1 would be a good day to take off of work, if you can to help with the counter measures.

3 Tactics to use

Tactic 1. Leading the political backlash.

We need each of you to make a list of the names, phone numbers, and e-mails of each of the following.


US Congressional Representative
2 US Senators
State House Representative
State Senate Representative
City Council Representative
County Commission Representative

When news coverage of the illegal alien marches begins on May 1, we want you to pick up the phone and call all 8 names on your list to complain by phone and e-mail.

We then want you to try your best to get any friends, family members, or neighbors to do the same.

We also need you ready to flood talk radio shows across America with complaints about the marches and calls for enforcement of our existing immigration laws. You can tune in to and call into your favorite local and national shows, or you can use our national talk radio directory.


ALIPACers are going to light up the phone lines and e-mail inboxes of lawmakers from top to bottom across the US, to communicate our displeasure that illegal aliens are flaunting the lack of immigration enforcement and border security in America, by marching down main street and making demands.

While our opposition is strong in the street, we are strong on the net, on talk radio, and in the offices of lawmakers where we still hold an advantage.

Tactic 2: Document with Video!

We need a small army of volunteers to deploy on May 1 with camcorders to film these protests.

We want each of you to practice a high degree of safety. You should go dressed like the media, which is casual attire with nothing that identifies you as opposition.

We need you to document the flags present at the marches, the signs and messages, the speeches of their leaders, and any violent or destructive behavior that erupts.

Many of our top bloggers are known to the opposition. People like Jake and MJ of Blogs for Borders, Brook of Immigration Watchdog, and OceanSide Gang Buster are known to our opposition, we need people they do not know to pose as interested civilians.

We cannot count on the Main Stream Media to tell the true agenda of these marches so it is up to us.

The best strategy is to go film the marches with a backup person, which keeps their distance while filming you, and with a cell phone handy to call authorities if needed.

The material captured on video by activists for our side has been very valuable.

In situations where opposition cameras were present but our cameras were missing, terrible things can happen like what happened in McArthur Park last year. Many LAPD officers lost their jobs because our side was not represented in gang land McArthur Park!

McArthur Park video

Our online activists are preparing a list for you to spot the protests nearest to you at this link...

List of illegal alien protests on May 1, 2008

Tactic 3: Monitoring Communications

On the morning of May 1, ALIPAC will go into high alert with our core activists monitoring police scanners, blogs, and Internet chat areas to gather information about what is happening out there. We will need all the help we can get to electronically monitor law enforcement and opposition groups.

If violence breaks out, it will be up to us to carry the news to the nation.

You will receive a coordination link on May 1 where you can post the information you pick up or the video you gather along with questions and details of your call efforts.

Let us prepare to do our part on May 1!