By John LeBoutillier
BorderFire Report

The so-called mainstream media has missed it.

So has the so-called Establishment of both parties.

So have the (Poison) Ivy League intellectuals.

So has the Bush White House - and the Clinton HQ.

And McCain...and Katie Couric....and the Washington Post and all the rest of the very people who have already plunged this country into a downward spiral:

Drivers licenses for illegal aliens is a HUGE ISSUE!!!

It is an issue capable of changing the nomination in each party - beginning in 56 days in Iowa and then five days later in New Hampshire.

It is also an issue that could change the outcome of next year’s general election for President.

In every poll, even a majority of Democrats do not want to give illegal alines drivers licenses.

Yet Hillary Clinton flits across the TV screens doing her usual double-and-triple-talk dance - all the while saying she does indeed favor giving drivers licenses to illegals.

This major miscalculation by Hillary has cost her in New Hampshire where, in just a week, her lead over Barack Obama has shrunk to its lowest level this year.

The same in Iowa: out there many Democrats are apoplectic over the influx into factory-heavy Iowa of thousands of illegals. This issue has to hurt Hillary there, too.

Except the Democrats need a candidate to really go after her on this - not just on her double-speak - but on her position in favor of licenses.

And the GOP - down in the mouth after 6 years of Bush failures and betrayals - needs a new candidate who has been consistently against illegal immigration. Unfortunately, Rudy and Romney are major flip-floppers on illegal immigration. Rudy the Liar now claims he’ll stop it. Oh, really? He defended and protected illegals as Mayor of New York! We can’t trust a word he says about this - or anything! Rudy and Romney are shameless in how they will say anything to get nominated. Neither of them believes in anything - other than getting their greedy hands on power.

And this single issue - drivers licenses for illegal immigrants - brought again to the forefront by another out-of-touch incompetent Ivy League lefty, NY Governor Eliot Spitzer - is a potential radioactive bomb certain to doom anyone on the wrong side of this issue.

Spitzer’s own ratings in New York have declined since unilaterally deciding to give out licenses to illegals. Even a majority of New York City residents - perhaps one of the most liberal demographics in the nation - oppose giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens.

This issue is explosive.

It can also morph a bit into “Hillary and Spitzer are giving illegal drivers licenses so as to allow illegals to vote.â€