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  1. #1
    Senior Member Mamie's Avatar
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    we are LOSING this country through unconstitutional Acts of Congress --- while Congress has a duty to 'repel invasion' of 'foreign nationals' -- they propose amnesty, housing, healthcare benefits, foodstamps, education, social security, etc. -- UNCONSTITUTIONAL acts and restrict the rights of the people nullifying the 'Bill of Rights' for the Citizens and the States


    By Pastor Chuck Baldwin

    August 23, 2005

    It appears that a strengthened U.S.A. Patriot Act will soon sail through Congress with little opposition or consternation on the part of the American people. The new Patriot Act is even more stringent than the original. In addition, many of the more egregious elements of the Patriot Act which were originally scheduled to sunset are made permanent in the latest version. And the vast majority of the American people do not seem to mind.

    For one thing, Americans seem to have accepted the notion that they must rely on the federal government to take care of them. Lost to most is an independent, self-reliant spirit. After all, Americans already look to Uncle Sam for food stamps, welfare payments, commercial and farm subsidies, and faith-based handouts; why should they object to the federal government's promise to now provide their complete security even if it does mean the sacrifice of their liberties? To most Americans, security seems much more valuable than freedom!

    It is incumbent upon each of us to remember that this is exactly the way Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party took control in Germany. They did not seize power by force; the German people happily gave them power on the promise of national security.

    Since 9/11, even those Americans who in the past have championed freedom and independence now demonstrate an obvious readiness to gladly yield their liberties. It does not seem to matter one iota that they are losing their right of privacy and their right to be secure in their own homes.

    When told that the Patriot Act is practically a carbon copy of Hitler's Enabling Act, most Americans either yawn with indifference or retort with disbelief. They seem to be oblivious to reality.

    For some, their personal support for President Bush will not allow them to look objectively at the details of his Patriot Act (or virtually anything else he does). They truly don't want to believe that Bush could ever promote something untoward. Yet, was this not the same reasoning used by the German people in the 1930's? They loved and trusted Hitler so much, they could not bring themselves to believe that anything he did could be wrong.

    Americans need to reread the principles expressed by their Founding Fathers. Specific to the topic, Thomas Jefferson rightly said, "In questions of power, then, let no more be said of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution." It would seem many Americans today no longer believe that.

    For others, the fact that they do not believe themselves to have yet been personally affected by the new Gestapo-like powers given to the executive branch by the Patriot Act gives them a sense of (false) peace. Their attitude is usually expressed by statements such as, "Well, if you're not doing anything wrong, you don't have anything to fear." Of course, such thinking is extremely naïve and short-sighted.

    Our entire way of life is predicated upon the conviction that we are presumed innocent of any wrongdoing and only by a substantiated and cumbersome process of discovery and prosecution can that assumption be taken away from us. The Patriot Act totally reverses that historic principle.

    Now Americans are presumed to be guilty of wrongdoing and mechanisms are in place to begin the process of proving it; and, furthermore, the discovery portion of this process may now be done under cover of darkness and secrecy. Gone is the presumption of innocence. Under the Patriot Act, gone is the right to an attorney. Gone is the right to habeas corpus. Gone is the right to a speedy trial. Gone is the right to be secure in your papers and effects. The Patriot Act is turning America into a Nazi-style police state. And that is not hyperbole!

    Furthermore, Americans need to wake up to the reality that there already exists a gargantuan effort afoot to put a military-style federal apparatus in place. For example, according to syndicated columnist Charley Reese, "In recent years, federal law enforcement has expanded to the point where there is now an equivalent of five military divisions armed and invested with the power to make arrests." And this does not include the fact that certain of our military and C.I.A. personnel are also being trained and instructed in domestic law enforcement. Can people not see the writing on the wall?

    Another thing people need to think about is the definition of "wrongdoing." The argument that, "If you haven't done anything wrong, you don't have anything to worry about" loses its legitimacy when "the powers that be" can alter what "wrong" is at will.

    The Patriot Act so loosely defines "terrorism" that virtually anyone or anything could be considered "an act of terrorism" including speech! Plus, Bush lovers need to remember that Dubya will not be president forever. They need to think about the likes of Hillary Clinton or Janet Reno interpreting and enforcing the Patriot Act!

    Then again, we have to consider that there is a sizeable percentage of the American people who have already surrendered their liberties as a state of mind. They have been successfully programmed to accept any and all government fetters. In their minds, they are already slaves to the state! After all, freedom is first a matter of the heart.

    The bottom line is, in the name of safety and security, the American people, as did the people of Germany in the 1930's, are willingly surrendering their liberties. One more 9/11-style attack will probably mean the end of whatever freedom is left. And sadly, the vast majority of the American people will probably be ok with that, as well.

    At the end of the day, however, the loss of freedom will not bring America peace and safety. Instead, destruction and tyranny will result. A simple look at German history proves that.

    Of course, America's founders rejected tyrannical government. However, it appears that many of today's Americans share more in common with German history than with their own.

    © 2005 Chuck Baldwin - All Rights Reserved

    Chuck Baldwin is Founder-Pastor of Crossroads Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. In 1985 the church was recognized by President Ronald Reagan for its unusual growth and influence.

    Dr. Baldwin is the host of a lively, hard-hitting syndicated radio talk show on the Genesis Communications Network called, "Chuck Baldwin Live" This is a daily, one hour long call-in show in which Dr. Baldwin addresses current event topics from a conservative Christian point of view. Pastor Baldwin writes weekly articles on the internet and newspapers.

    To learn more about his radio talk show please visit his web site at: When responding, please include your name, city and state.


    my notes

    Karl Marx, the father of communism, was an admirer of President Abraham Lincoln and wrote him on January 28, 1865 to say, "Sir: We congratulate the American people upon your re-election by a large majority" and assured him that the European communist movement was with him

    According to Lenin, the first step of the long term process of developing a communist society is a 'revolutionary seizure of political power' -- the Confederate States of America fought for independence, states rights, property rights and a republic government where 'the people' govern themselves -- the 'Lincoln Regime,' under color of United States Authority, fought for 'political power' -- a 'national' and 'centralized government' -- the 'Lincoln Regime' won

    members of the Communist Party U.S.A., went to Spain to fight in the Spanish Civil War on the side of communists, they called themselves the "Abraham Lincoln Brigade"

    the Communist Party U.S.A. honored 'President' Abraham Lincoln by adorning its headquarters in New York with his portraits and held annual "Lincoln-Lenin Day" parades in New York City ... the 'federal government' honored 'President' Abraham Lincoln by building the Lincoln Memorial and having his face carved in stone on Mt. Rushmore

    Adolf Hitler was TIME Magazine's "Man Of The Year" in 1938 and Stalin was TIME Magazine's "Man Of The Year" for 1939 and 1942

    Adolf Hitler, a historian, quoted Lawyer/President/Dictator Abraham Lincoln's the "union created the states" theory from his First Inaugural Address address in Mein Kampf in order to make his own case for destroying federalism and states’ rights in Germany -- before 'his holocaust' -- now that's a resounding endorsement for one of the 'greatest presidents' of our country

    President Abraham Lincoln's 'unCivil War' was a war of conquest of the Confederate States of America aimed at the dominance of 'the union' to consolidate central power -- 'illegal' measures for an unjust cause . . . . Adolf Hitler's war was a war of expansionist conquest aimed at ‘German’ dominance to consolidate central power -- 'illegal' measures for an unjust cause

    President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation calling for troops, suspended the 'writ of habeas corpus' and blockaded southern ports -- powers delegated to Congress in the Constitution -- and in his 'special session' of Congress which he convened he said "These measures, whether strictly legal or not, were ventured upon, under what appeared to be a popular demand, and a public necessity; trusting then, as now, that Congress would readily ratify them. . .suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, or, in other words, to arrest and detain, without resort to the ordinary processes and forms of law, such individuals as he might deem dangerous to the public safety" -- he suspended other Constitutional guarantees pertaining to civil liberties. . . . . Adolf Hitler persuaded President Hindenburg of Germany to issue a decree entitled, "For the Protection of the People and the State." as a "defensive measure against Communist acts of violence endangering the state" -- the decree suspended the constitutional guarantees pertaining to civil liberties:

    President Abraham Lincoln blamed the black race for America's domestic problems . . . Adolf Hitler later claimed the "Jew" were responsible for all of Germany's domestic problems

    President Abraham Lincoln was a white supremacist and wanted to remove Americans of color and southerns from the country through starvation, annilation or colonization . . . Adolf Hitler was a white supremacist and wanted to remove the Jews from Germany, he did it with genocide -- the United States Supreme Court 'legalized' genocide through abortion

    in November 1991, Jacques Cousteau stated "The United Nation’s goal is to reduce population selectively by encouraging abortion, forced sterilization, and control human reproduction, and regards two-thirds of the human population as excess baggage, with 350,000 people to be eliminated per day."

    the 'unconstitutional 'federal government' established provisional governments in the conquered southern states . . . Adolf Hitler established a new provisional government in Germany

    President Abraham Lincoln violated the Constitution and took the Confederate States of America by force . . Adolf Hitler concluded that the road to power lay not through force alone but through legal subversion of the Constitution

    President Abraham Lincoln established himself as the ultimate arbiter and claimed absolute power . . . Adolf Hitler re-established himself in 1926 as the ultimate arbiter and claimed absolute power

    President Abraham Lincoln won over the industrialists of the north . . . Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party [2] in 1929 began to win over the big industrialists in Germany

    President Abraham Lincoln played on national resentment of slavery to conquer a nation . . Adolf Hitler played on national resentment to gain a nation

    President Abraham Lincoln presented himself as the redeemer of an enslaved people. . . Adolf Hitler presented himself as Germany's redeemer and messianic saviour

    President Abraham Lincoln once in office moved with great speed to outmanoeuvre and overpower the defenseless Confederate States of America . . . Adolf Hitler once in office moved with great speed to outmanoeuvre his rivals

    President Abraham Lincoln refused to listen to the advice of his cabinet and declared an 'unofficial' war against the Confederate States of America by calling 75,000 troops and personally controlled the war for three months before Congress convened . . . Adolf Hitler assumed personal control of all military operations and refused to listen to advice

    President Abraham Lincoln used persuasion, propaganda, terror and intimidation to secure his hold on power . . . Adolf Hitler used persuasion, propaganda, terror and intimidation to secure his hold on power

    President Abraham Lincoln imprisoned innocent civilians in the north and these arrests were "not made so much for what has been done as for what might be done" -- essentially 'President' Lincoln implemented concentration camps . . . Adolf Hitler implemented concentration camps

    President Abraham Lincoln invaded the 'sovereign nations' of the Confederate States of America to dominate America and 'preserve the union' declaring "Physically speaking, we cannot separate" . . Adolf Hitler invaded 'sovereign nations' to dominate Europe and secure Germany's "living space"

    President Abraham Lincoln authorized 'total war'[] on the Confederate States of America to annihilate the black and white, men, women and children of the South . . . Adolf Hitler invaded Russia with a war to annihilate the Jews

    the Confederate States of America did not collapse as President Abraham Lincoln anticipated, he underestimated the military capability of the defenseless inferior Confederate States of America causing him to change his mind about his objectives . . . the Soviet Union did not collapse as Adolf Hitler anticpated, he underestimated the military reserves of the Russians causing him to change his mind about his objectives.

    President Abraham Lincoln built up the union army by conscription . . . Adolf Hitler built up his army by conscription

    President Abraham Lincoln and the 'federal government' were confident the Confederate States of America had been struck down and would never rise again . . . Adolf Hitler proclaimed the Soviet Union had been "struck down and would never rise again."

    the South can rise again -- not against military power, but at the ballot box by demanding Congress defend the Constitution and the rights of 'the people' and 'the states'by impeaching the ' class of people in government -- the criminals -- that are unfit to serve

    President Abraham Lincoln was an atheist, though some claim he was a Christian . . . Adolf Hitler was claimed to be an atheist and a 'devout' Christian

    President Abraham Lincoln is compared to Jesus the Nazarene and he said “The Bible is not my book, and Christianity is not my religion. I could never give assent to the long, complicated statements of Christian dogma. . . . Adolf Hitler claimed "I shall never come personally to terms with the Christian lie."

    in his second inaugural address President Abraham Lincoln claimed it was "God's will" to remove slavery . . . Adolf Hitler claimed he was defending himself "against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."

    President Abraham Lincoln was a skilled attorney that used metaphors, hidden meanings and things he said and did were not as they appeared . . . Adolf Hitler claimed the art of propaganda "consists in doing this so skilfully that everyone will be convinced that the fact is real, the process necessary, the necessity correct. . ."

    President Abraham Lincoln stated "we denounce the lawless invasion by armed force of the soil of any State or Territory, no matter what pretext, as among the gravest of crimes . . the property, peace, and security of no section are to be in any wise endangered by the now incoming Administration. I add, too, that all the protection which, consistently with the Constitution and the laws, can be given will be cheerfully given to all the States when lawfully demanded,". . . .Adolf Hitler stated "I think I can assure you that there is no one in Germany who will not with all his heart approve any honest attempt at an improvement of relations between Germany and France. . . German people has the solemn intention of living in peace and friendship with all civilized nations and powers."

    President Abraham Lincoln was completely self-taught, had a brillant strategist's mind and was a great debater and a manipulator . . . Adolf Hitler was completely self-taught and had a brillant mind with a photographic memory and was a great debater and manipulator

    President Abraham Lincoln was illegitimate with no ancestoral pride, his mother was an illegitimate barmaid and it is rumored several of his potential fathers (16) were from North/South Carolina -- among these are such notables and great patriots as John C. Calhoun, Henry Clay the tax lord, Patrick Henry (he died in 1799; Lincoln was born in 1809) Abraham Enlow -- (he stated he was from "Southern extraction" and actually claimed Abraham Enloe as his father -- his mother worked as a servant in the Enloe home) -- Abraham Lincoln destroyed the south [4] . . . . Adolf Hitler was illegitimate with no ancestoral pride and it was rumored his father was "a Jew" -- when Nazi Germany occupied Austria he had the village where his father grew up destroyed

    Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America had a 'legitimate' presidency and Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States had an illegitimate presidency and his power was derived from the 'Lincoln Regime,' under color of United States Authority -- both were 'sons of the south' and symbolic of the war between good and evil, Christian and atheist, legitimate and illegitimate

    due to the 'political ambitions' of Robert Todd Lincoln, son of President Abraham Lincoln and the only Lincoln child to reach adulthood -- the 'federal government' by and through Robert Todd Lincoln, then the Secretary of War, ordered that one of a possible 'sixteen sites' in Kentucky be 'officially' established as his 'place of birth' and his birth date of 1809 be "officially" established to 'preserve his reputation' because he didn't want his father's 'humble beginnings' exposed and those that opposed the 'politically correct' version of the 'carpenters son' were retaliated against. The 'federal government' fabricated the story of our 16th President's heritage, carefully dodging his illegitimate birth in North Carolina and legitimized the uncontitutional invasion of the Confederate States of America effectuating the 'fraud' upon the American people with the Lincoln thinkin'

    Over fifteen cities claim to be the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln who was born in North Carolina. The Lincoln Heritage House was restored to 'perpetuate' the memory of a man who was "humble in origin."

    Residents of Elizabethtown, Kentucky remembered seeing Abe Lincoln there two years before the 'official' date of his birth. (Dear Abby, Our son was married in January. Five months later his wife had a ten-pound baby girl. They said the baby was premature. Tell me, can a baby this big be that early? Wondering ... Dear Wondering, The baby was on time, the wedding was late. Forget it.)

    On February 12, 1892 Abraham Lincoln's 'fake' birthday was declared to be a federal holiday in the United States

    'illigetimacy' is not a federal crime -- fraud is. FRAUD: is the misrepresentation of a fact; suppression of a fact; the misrepresentation of a fact by failing to disclose, remaining, silent a FRAUD BY OMISSION; or Fraud by DELAY

    "All propaganda has to be popular and has to adapt its spiritual level to the perception of the least intelligent of those towards whom it intends to direct itself." . . . "How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think." . . . The great masses of people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one. Especially if it is repeated over and over." . . . "The victor will never be asked if he told the truth" ~ Adolf Hitler ~

    President Abraham Lincoln is reported to have said "All I am or ever hope to be I owe to my sainted mother ." . . . . President Abraham Lincoln actually said "I'll tell you something, but keep it a secret while I live . My mother was a bastard, the daughter of a nobleman so-called of Virginia. My mother's mother was poor and credulous, and she was shamefully taken advantage of by the man. My mother inherited his qualities, and I hers. All that I am, or hope ever to be, I got from my mother, God bless her. Did you never notice that bastards are generally smarter, shrewder, and more intellectual than others? Is it because it is stolen?" . . . . "I don't know who my grandfather was, and I am much more concerned to know what his grandson will be."

    Abraham Lincoln always feared his mother was not 'properly' married to Thomas Lincoln and requested the marriage certificate which was never found until "after" his death -- historians think the certificate was a forgery -- a fake, just like 'honest Abe' and his 'legacy' that 'stole' from honest men their legacy and southerners their heritage

    President Abraham Lincoln's "father" was a drunkard and abused him, his mother, that died when he was nine, spoiled him . . Adolf Hitler's "father" was a drunkard and abused him, his mother spoiled him . . .both were from a dysfunctional family.

    President Abraham Lincoln suffered from depression and terrifying outburst of uncontrollable rage (as President he controlled his rage with "little blue pills") and bizarre behavior and he admired brutality in others, . . Adolf Hitler's behavior fluctuated between blackest depression and uncontrollable rage and he admired brutality in others, even in his enemies.

    President Abraham Lincoln was infected with syphilis . . .Adolf Hitler was rumored to be infected with syphilis purportedly from a Jewish prostitute (Mary Todd Lincoln was also infected and was committed by her son Robert to an Illinois insane asylum in 1875) -- left untreated infection of syphilis leads to pathological degeneration

    President Abraham Lincoln had a 'yen for men' according to the diary of Joshua Speed, [1] Lincolns roommate for four years . . .

    President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by a derringer with a bullet behind his left ear . . . Adolf Hitler committed suicide by shooting himself through the mouth with a pistol

    President Abraham Lincoln caused the death of over 625,000 soldiers and hundreds of thousands of non-combatants, the bloodiest war of America . . .Adolf Hitler caused the death of over 6,000,000 Jews in humanity's bloodiest endeavour

    under the leadership of President Abraham Lincoln, 'the union' started the 'unCivil War' . . under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, Germany started World War II and committed the Holocaust

    President Abraham Lincoln was referred to as a 'Great Dictator' by his friends. . . Adolf Hitler was referred to as the 'Great Dictator'

    Was Abraham Lincoln a Rothschild? -- according to Pandora's Box yes.. . . Was Adolf Hitler a Rothschild? . . . The Rothschilds were involved in railroads, "centralized" banking and the "Federal Reserve"" and it's collection agency -- the IRS -- required a "centralized" government.

    'President' Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, 1865 -- Good Friday -- while attending a ' special performance' of -- 'Our American Cousin' . . . coincidence or symbolism?

    Secretary of State Edwin Stanton appears to have ordered General Ulysses Grant and Major Thomas T. Eckert not to attend the performance with the Lincoln's

    Was Abraham Lincoln the "Secret" leader of a satanic cult "

    Americans consider President Abraham Lincoln one of America's 'greatest presidents' -- the 'Great Emancipator' -- a humane, farsighted statesman . . . Americans consider Adolf Hitler one of the worlds worse war criminals and mass-murderer . . .in spite of the fact the parallels that each of their lives began and ended the same, and Adolf Hitler followed in the footsteps of President Abraham Lincoln

    during the 'Reconstruction' of the South, the 'federal government' along with the carpetbaggars and scalawags created racial tension and broke the bonds of unity between the blacks and the whites

    Booker T. Washington, a former slave who became one of the nation’s first widely recognized black leaders warned the black communities against the "problem profiteers." Washington described the "problem profiteers" as "a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public . . . Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs â€â€
    "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it" George Santayana "Deo Vindice"

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    Hi Mamie; I was born German, naturalized now, no American wants to touch this post with a ten foot pole!! I have no such fear. suffice it to say that most Americans do not appreciate how sleepily most Germans went into Fascism until one day they woke up, and it was the world.

    Nobody wants to respond to my poem on flags either. They could at least say they think it sucks!! haha cheers glenn

  3. #3
    Senior Member Mamie's Avatar
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    Sweet Home Alabama

    Re: haha

    Quote Originally Posted by naturalglenn
    Hi Mamie; I was born German, naturalized now, no American wants to touch this post with a ten foot pole!!
    the article or my comments?

    my great grandfather came from Germany ... don't have a clue about his family because everything burned up in a house fire . . all his letters from his family were in it
    "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it" George Santayana "Deo Vindice"

  4. #4
    Senior Member jp_48504's Avatar
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    I don’t think that most Americans have studied in depth the history of World War Two and how the Germans allowed a ruthless dictator come into power. To put it simple, it was a war on terror that started with the Reistag and went from there.

    I think that because we are so quick to forget the atrocities of the past that we are doomed to repeat them.
    I stay current on Americans for Legal Immigration PAC's fight to Secure Our Border and Send Illegals Home via E-mail Alerts (CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP)

  5. #5
    Senior Member Mamie's Avatar
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    Sweet Home Alabama
    Quote Originally Posted by jp_48504
    I don’t think that most Americans have studied in depth the history of World War Two and how the Germans allowed a ruthless dictator come into power. To put it simple, it was a war on terror that started with the Reistag and went from there.

    I think that because we are so quick to forget the atrocities of the past that we are doomed to repeat them.
    and most Americans don't know that "ruthless dictator" admired and walked in the footsteps of President Abraham Lincoln . . . and was considered by many to be his cousin
    "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it" George Santayana "Deo Vindice"

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