SB60 - drivers' licenses for illegal aliens - has cropped up again. Some months ago it passed the California Senate, had its final reading in the Assembly, and will be voted on AT ANY TIME NOW. The word is that Cedillo is calling it "THE CALIFORNIA REAL ID ACT"!!! There is no such CA act. Those pro-illegal alien advocates in the Assembly will surely pass it, and it will go to Gov. Arnold for signature. We must call him and demand he veto this bill.
1) There is no such thing as the California Real ID Act - snow job by Cedillo;
2) Don't fall for the claim that the roads will be safer if illegals have to pass a driver's test. MANY STILL DRIVE DRUNK!!
3) He is also claiming his SB60 is affiliated with the FEDERAL REAL ID ACT - another lie by Cedillo.

Listed below are the phone numbers of the Governor's various offices. PLEASE CALL NOW & DEMAND HE VETO THIS BILL!

Sacramento: 916- 445-2841
Los Angeles: 213-907-0322
San Francisco: 415-703-2218
San Diego: 619-525-4641
Fresno: 559-445-5295
Riverside: 951-680-6860