Last week, during the Reform Immigration FOR America Campaign Summit, we asked people to send faxes into Congress demanding Comprehensive Immigration Reform. We were BLOWN AWAY when over 125,000 faxes were sent. The numbers were so impressive that some of our opponents have commented that there may not even be real people sending the faxes. Well, guess what? There are real people behind each and every one of those 125,000 messages; people with families, people who have suffered, people who believe in justice and people who want what is best for America.

This week, we asked the same group of people to send another fax, but this time we asked them to include their own person message about WHY they were taking action. The result was, yet again, overwhelming. We had thousands of people respond within hours, all with personal stories and messages about why immigration reform is important to them.

Patrick in North Carolina writes:

“Our system is unfair to the families torn apart by an outdated immigration structure. We need comprehensive reform. Piecemeal legislation will not work, but will just cause more problems.â€