
What had begun as a very professional legislative process turned into complete pandemonium because of the childish and arrogant antics of Mr. Chandler and his illegal alien activists. Ultimately Mr. Lott was compelled to summon two Sergeants-at-Arms who attempted to quell the disturbance but to no avail -- the activists ignored the Sergeants-at-Arms and continued their despicable behavior. When it got to the point where Mr. Lott had no choice but to prematurely adjourn the hearing, the illegal alien activists cheered, clapped and chanted, "We did it! We shut down the hearing!", and Ms. Tully was not able to finish her presentation.

But this was not the end of it. Mr. Chandler and his illegal alien activists surrounded Mr. Lott in the hallway outside the hearing room and continued to berate him. By forcing the adjournment of the hearing, the activists prevented the legislators from conducting state business on behalf of their constituents, and infringed upon the right of the law-abiding citizens who were present at the hearing to witness democracy in action. The activists succeeded in curtailing free speech, but they certainly did not leave a favorable impression on the legislators. Indeed, word has rapidly spread through the State Capitol about these unfortunate events. Mr. Chandler has been advised that should such behavior ever occur again, he and his associates will be promptly arrested and permanently banned from the Capitol.

Why didn't Mr. Lott call security and have them arrested on the spot?