From: "Rosalio Munoz" <>


The Fast for our Future is in its 17th day calling for a million people to pledge to vote and work for immigrants rights. Thousands upon thousands have signed on and or visited the fasters I have asked my mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to sign the pledge and visit the encampment and informed him that the majority of the city council has signed the pledge. I have also asked my Congressman Xavier Becerra, Assisstent to the Speaker, to sign the pledge and vist the camp.

Rep Hilda Solis visited and signed Thursday. With local support from these two national support will be easier to draw.

LA Citycouncil person, Reyes, Zine, Hahn, Alarcon, Rosenthal, Perry, Cardenas and Huizar have signed the pledge.

Please call or email today because we need there help asap as election day is a few days away.

Mayor Villaraigosas phone is 213-978-0600 email mayor@lacity. com Rep. Xavier Becerra's phone is 213-483-1425 email may be sent him at http://becerra. HoR/CA31/ Hidden+Content/ Email+Signup+ Form.htm

Rosalio Munoz