Hello everyone,

I have not been on the site to see you all as much as I would have liked to lately. We've been busy as heck in Oberlin, Ohio, where you may remember they are trying to declare themselves the first sanctuary city in the state of Ohio for illegal aliens...and, between that and "life in general", I have not rested much.

Here's what's going on:

We went to the city council meeting and Oberlin has now decided to not put it in writing that the police force is not allowed to ask about "immigration status"...so that's a step in the right direction. I think this is due at least in part to Steve Salvi of OJJPAC telling them it violated the Civil Rights of city workers.

Their Police Chief as well as Ron Rimbert, the only council member to vote against their sanctuary status resolution, are still against the resolution. They all still voted for it, except for Councilman Ron Rimbert, but I do feel like we're making progress!! Some council members are upset that is it being referred to as a "Sanctuary City" and saying it's only "symbolic"...I say tough doo doo. It is what it is.

We bombarded them with information at the last council meeting, which was Jan 5th. I took a huge notebook filled with reports and news articles about crime and such committed by people who don't even belong in this nation...most of which I got from ALIPAC...and told the council clerk to make a copy for each and every city council member, saying, "And one for Chief Miller. He needs to know what's comin' at him!!" A friend of mine was sitting in the lobby at the time, watching it on a monitor with a few policemen. She said when I said that, they all jumped up and said, "That's right!!" I have a very bad back, and I can barely stand or walk at times, and I told them, "I got this handicap doing jobs people like YOU keep telling us Americans just won't do, so don't tell me we won't do those jobs!"

There is a Mayor from a small town near Oberlin who has been attending and speaking against the resolution. His wife and sons are legal immigrants to this nation and he is pretty angry over the situation in Oberlin.

His standing as a Mayor has opened doors to him that would have been difficult for us to get a foot in, so that's good news! He says he talked to Eric Norenberg, the Oberlin City Manager and he believes Norenberg also does not want this to go through. Norenberg just moved here from Phoenix, AZ, so he should certainly know what comes with these "family value" invaders. "Mayor Bob" has also talked to our County Sheriff, who is completely against this move by Oberlin.

"Mayor Bob" also has an agreement with a local church who hands out free food to go and try to get the petition signed by Oberlin residents some time this week, I think, when they're due to give out food to struggling area residents.

Two days ago I started phoning Oberlin residents, informing them of what was going on in Oberlin and asking them to call their council members or Norenberg and voice their opposition to the resolution.

During my call out, I ran into another woman who is completely against the resolution and mad as heck because she has been diagnosed with Lupus and she went to our county welfare office to get help paying for medications. They are giving her a rough way to go over it and this is her point of contention...an illegal alien can get medical help in this nation, but she can't.

So, the next day we went to a local grocery store and started a petition to ask Oberlin Council to put it to a vote of the citizens in May, 2009. This woman who has Lupus came to help, as did her boyfriend. There was another Oberlin resident there with us as well as the Mayor of Kipton! We got about a hundred signatures in about two hours! Oberlin only has about 8,000 residents and this was on a Friday when most people are at work, so that is significant. People at some points were lining up to sign the petition and almost all of them were against illegal immigration period and really mad about what Oberlin City Council is doing to them without a word of support from them.

We were going out there again today, but we had a huge snow storm last night that dumped about 15" of snow on the area, so most of us were busy digging out most of the day, but we are going to try to go back to the store every day this coming week, as well as next weekend.

We even met one man there with his wife, who has family in Hazleton, PA and he told us the people of Hazleton are afraid to even leave their homes, it's so bad there.

One man came in who was familiar with the Chamber of Commerce, and he said they are getting emails from all over the area telling them if they pass this, they will no longer be shopping in the city of Oberlin!

The manager of the grocery store is letting us use the store, where he even set up a table for us, every day this week to get more signatures. On the days I can't go, I will be on the phones calling more Oberlin residents.

One of our group and I are going to Councilman Rimbert's home, and all three of us are going door-to-door in Rimbert's ward to get more signatures one day this week to try to force City Council to put this to a vote of the citizens in May.

We don't have much more time, but we want to get some more phone calls going and we want to have about 4-500 signatures of Oberlin residents to take to the next City Council meeting on January 20th, demanding that City Council put this to a vote of the people!

If any of you know anyone in the area who would be willing to call the Oberlin City Council or the Chamber of Commerce, please ask them to do so.

I can't find email addresses for City Council members, but I'm working on it.

Here are the numbers, all in the 440 area code:

David Sonner, President
Phone: 774-4122


Jack Baumann, Vice President
Phone: 774-1918


David Ashenhurst
Phone: 774-7500


Scott Broadwell
Phone: 775-4241


Charles Peterson
Phone: 774-4278


Ronnie Rimbert
Phone: 775-2343


Sharon Soucy
Phone: 775-4031



Contact Information


Address: 13 South Main Street (2nd Floor), Oberlin, OH 44074
Phone: (440) 774-6262
MSO E-mail: oberlinmainst@oberlin.net

OACC Email: oberlinchamber@oberlin.net