The Employment based green card system is completely broken due to excessive delays and backlogs in petitions of nearly half a million highly skilled workers who are certified by US Government to be doing a job that no US citizen is willing, qualified or able to do.

By stagnating career growth and suffocating the creativity of the most innovative and technical minds of the world, America is creating a class of future Americans, who would see no career growth for 6-12 years and making under-achievers of these individuals.

It would result in a reverse brain drain where the talent and human capital flows from developed west to the burgeoning Asian economies.

(Brain drain because we Americans are dumb. If they are so smart and we are so dumb why are they doing everything they can to leave the countries that gave birth to these "smart people"?; think it over and you will realize it doesn't much sense... But what do I know, I am dumb.)