**All, I am really excited about this candidate who is facing off with the current bleeding heart liberal, Earl Blumenauer for my districts congressional seat. OFIR has endorsed her and so do I.

[quote]Congressional Race –Oregon District 3, Portland Area

The Republican nominee for Congress in District 3 is Delia Lopez.

Her campaign website is at http://www.dlopezforcongress.com/ The campaign address is PO Box 86769, Portland OR 97206. Email: dlopezforcongress@yahoo.com Telephone: 503-954-4080.

Lopez makes strong statements in favor of border security and national sovereignty on the website. See http://www.dlopezforcongress.com/position3.htm. She supports: Physically securing our borders and coastlines, Enforcing visa rules, No amnesty, No welfare for illegal aliens, Ending birthright citizenship, and Passing true immigration reform

Lopez has been designated a True Immigration Reform Candidate by Americans for Better Immigration.

She attended the OFIR meeting on August 23 and spoke to OFIR members and friends. She is a knowledgeable, forthright speaker and could represent District 3 very well in Congress. Lopez would be an able proponent for much-needed immigration controls and limits.

According to OpenSecrets.org, incumbent Rep. Blumenauer has raised nearly $820,000 for his campaign, and still had over $437,700 on hand as of July 30. He has had large contributions from construction services, law firms, real estate interests, transportation unions, miscellaneous manufacturing and distributing companies.

Delia Lopez is in a David vs. Goliath contest, but she could win with financial and volunteer help from enough citizens! Oregonians for Immigration Reform endorses her for election in District 3.

Incumbent Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D) is running for his 8th term in the U.S. House of Representatives. In Congress since 1997, he has consistently voted the wrong way on most immigration bills. Based on his voting record over the years, as of August 18, 2008, Americans for Better Immigration rates him F- for his whole career, and F for recent votes (2005-200 http://www.betterimmigration.com/index.html

A detailed description of the bills on which Rep. Blumenauer has voted is on the NumbersUSA website, http://www.numbersusa.com. Click there on Congress – Voting records. His voting history shows he has voted against bills to restrict sanctuary cities, against increasing interior enforcement, against the REAL ID Act, and in favor of importation of foreign workers, huge amnesties for illegal agricultural workers, and in favor of social security benefits to illegal aliens.

His campaign website is at http://www.earlblumenauer.com/ The section called “Ideas for a Better Futureâ€