See video below

Posted on 11/03/2007 8:04:47 PM PDT
FROM: forum

Bad news. As our folks were leaving, the fake indian showed for the first time in a year, gathered 12 guys with him, and said 'lets get them', and they jumped D, E, and old man N. D was hit with a rock and had his head split open. Some of our folks had already left, so there were only 4 left. Heather managed to stay in her car. I knew something was going to happen there today, but decided to put my car in the shop and blow that feeling off. Needless to say, this is one of the worst days I personally have ever had in the movement. More to come, but because of lawsuit possibilities against home depot (it happened on their lot, believe it or not) there will not be much. Dis refusing to go to the hospital, even tho everyone including me is telling him to do with the EMT's are telling him to do. Plz pray for his injury