Putin: Kerry a Liar, Al Qaeda Is Syrian Rebels and He Knows It – Lying To American People

Posted by: Rick Wells Posted date: September 04, 2013 In: News

Once in a great while the United Nations serves a legitimate purpose. You can’t have an organization such as the U.N. without an occasional need for it to have some teeth, some credible function in alignment with its purported reason for existence.

Reuters reports that Vladimir Putin has declared the U.S. intended assault on Syria as an act of aggression stating, “Anything that is outside the U.N. Security Council is aggression, except self-defense. Now what Congress and the U.S. Senate are doing in essence is legitimizing aggression. This is inadmissible in principle.”

He also called John Kerry a liar. No great stretch there, anybody who has been even casually keeping up with the events in Syria can discern that this is all an orchestrated march to war. There is a great secret agenda in play and we are now at the little chapter called “Invade Syria Using Al Qaeda as Facilitators.”

John Kerry, who assumed the role of Secretary of State in all likelihood to permit Hillary Clinton to remain distanced from the political contamination of the upcoming and predetermined invasion, is said to “lie beautifully” by Putin.

Putin says that Kerry is lying to Congress about Al Qaeda’s majority position in the ranks of the so-called “Rebel Freedom Fighters,” declaring Kerry’s response of “No, I am telling you responsibly that it is not” to be virtually a bold faced lie.

Putin affirmed in reference to the United States,”Al Qaeda units are the main military echelon, and they know this. It was unpleasant and surprising for me – we talk to them, we proceed from the assumption that they are decent people. But he is lying and knows he is lying. It’s sad.”

Kerry’s Congressional exchange added this little nugget of untruth to the record as well; When questioned regarding whether it was basically true that the “rebels” were increasingly infiltrated by al Qaeda over time, Kerry responded with, “No, that is actually basically not true. It’s basically incorrect.”

There was a time when Americans would have been shocked and surprised by this type of cover-up and deceit on behalf of our “leadership”. Unfortunately, lies are what we have become accustomed to, lies are what we expect, and lies are what we get.

Rick Wells is an author who contributes to conservative media outlets. You can follow Rick on Facebook at www.facebook.com/pages/Rick-Wells/1405080846374047?ref=hl

- See more at: http://freepatriot.org/2013/09/04/pu....CMwKISsR.dpuf