How Amnesty Fight is waged in California State. Being that I was in the Marine Corp, I know that one can not fight if one doesn't know who they are fighting.

Carly Fiorina, is the first main stream politician that appears to have funds from every amensty corporation IN ALL OF CA STATE! She isn't a single issue amensty supporter like most others but is linking with amnesty groups from Northern Ca. into Central Ca. and into lower Ca.!
Right now, the ultra liberal Bay Area of Ca. is upset with Boxer for killing a guest worker program and Fiorina is joining up with the "loons" and pushing for a guest worker and a La Raza agenda that is more La Raza than La Raza!

For people who do not live in Ca State, there is a reason on why illegal aliens can’t drive with a DMV issued licenses. It is called voting against the corporate Republicans, recalling the Democrat Governor and putting in Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Amnesty fighting is not black and white in Ca. but it was based on geographical areas of the state-that is before Fiorina came along!

Silicon Valley (Bill Gates land)-in this part of Ca. State-we have the mass worker Visa agenda being promoted, which is a failure because immigrants over stay the Visas, especially Arab terrorist.

San Francisco, we have the first generation immigrants, always pushing for voting rights for illegal aliens.

Central Ca. State, we have corporate welfare millionaire farmers and Diane Feinstein constantly pushing for a guest worker program in agriculture, but we all know that illegal aliens get here and disappear.

Los Angeles(moving on down) we have La Raza wanting full citizenships, cops who are too lazy to do their jobs (even though they make over $250,000.00 per year)-and a welfare black hole of American Tax Money being sucked dry by illegal aliens.

Upper Orange County-we have single issue Hispanics (Loretta Sanchez) in office due to voter fraud and amnesty pushers.

San Diego is not a problem because people are smart and (R) Issa lives there.
So, this is our battles in Ca. State! Now, only one person has an amnesty agenda from all aspects of Ca. State and that is this Sarah Palin backed..Carly Fiorina.