Congressman Gingrey Takes Aim at Chain Migration

Congressman Phil Gingrey (R-GA) - along with 17 cosponsors - recently introduced H.R. 938, the 'Nuclear Family Priority Act.' The bill seeks to tackle the problem of chain migration caused by the provisions in current law allowing immigrants who become citizens to bring in extended family members, who in turn bring in their own extended family members, causing the number of immigrants to the United States to skyrocket. By eliminating the extended family preference categories in current law and replacing them with a single preference category for spouses and children of permanent resident aliens and citizens, H.R. 938 prioritizes the admission of nuclear family members while controlling the growth rate of immigration to the U.S.

Last Wednesday, Congressman Gingrey took to the House Floor to explain his concerns with chain migration. During Special Orders, Gingrey explained that the insanity of chain migration can result in one legal permanent resident over a short span of 17 years bringing in 273 people to the United States. Those 273 people then count against the quota for that country. Gingrey further pointed out that these extended family members are given priority over other qualified, skilled individuals seeking the opportunity to move to the United States, "[Chain migration] creates a backlog of visa applications….It allows genealogy, not job skills, not education, not English proficiency to determine who immigrates to our country. We just can't afford that."