..station break..

[b]K: you see the headline that the price of both gas and oil have fallen..?


..if NOT for the advances in technology, NOW we have oil rigs that CAN AND DO withstand hurricane force winds..!


The foreign oil people KNOW we're going to make some changes, and soon..!

[NOTHING to do w/IDIOT Hussein..! ..in fact, he's exacerbated THAT problem..! ]

Like it or not, we're STUCK w/oil ..for now..

Yes, them PESKY Democrats HAVE been blocking drilling OUR oil, AND alternative forms of energy..!

I found this latest hurricane interesting, as it's heading for TX, and the prices STILL fell..!

Remember, MOST of the oil seeps through the oceans floor..! Drilling, just takes that much pressure off it..!

Caller Rita: LOTS of jokes re what they’ve been talking about ..one armed bandits. AND.. I called Jack Wise [or was it Zine..?], [color=blue]HE told me that: [i]â€