Please paste this excert into you emails and send to everyone that you know.


Dear Fellow Americans,

Please forward to all you friends and neighbors! Add comments as you please.

Here's an easy link to your state senators for those that oppose the legalization of illegal immigrants in this country. Take action now before we become a third world country with a drain on our public resources, an increase in gang population, multiple families living in one residence, an increase in graffiti, a drain on social services, a decrease in the standard living wage, degraded education for legal American citizens, and among other things, a country with two national languages. We are being invaded right now right before your very own eyes. Illegal immigrants and their supporters are now massing Illegal protest in major cities across the U.S. Act now before it's to late. ... 31&type=CO

Dear Illegal Immigrants,

No more free rides! Fix your own country before you invade ours. How dare you protest illegally in a country to which you do not belong. We Americans have had enough. Stop flying your National flag on our land and pack your bags for home. If you want to live in the U.S., do it the legal way as many have already done.

Thanks for your support!

Useful Links: