I just wanted to share a personal story and insight, to rally us all. With all that has been going on, and with so much at stake, we need our morale, and to remember why we are wanting immigration and our borders under control.

In September 2001, it is a day none of us will ever forget. Waking up Pacific time to my husband shaking me, looking very pale saying "something bad is happening". This look and what he said, was more than what any cup of coffee could ever have done for me that morning. We watched in horror as the twin towers smoked, and then fell.
All of us sat there, mesmerized by sight on our little tv, no one could speak and none of us could stop crying, we knew thousands were killed.

We lived in Bremerton, Washington then, a really big Navy town. We lived really close to Puget Sound Naval Station. Many of our neighbors were in the Navy, including my brother across the inlet in another town, and my 19 year old daughters boyfriend. Ships were immediately taken out through the Puget Sound to open waters, my daughters boyfriends sub crew was called in and all subs were taken out the Hood Canal to open seas. It was an ominous feeling to have a major portion of your towns popultation to suddenly leave, knowing only that the ships and subs had to be in a good tactical position (remembering Pearl Harbor).

Our neighbors husband was stationed on the Carl Vincent, an aircraft carrier, they were already on deployment when 9/11 happened, they had their deployment extended. When the day finally came in January that the Vincent was headed back to port, we decided to go down to the dock to see it come in. We were not alone, almost the entire population had shown up to welcome them back.

We stood on the waterfronts floating dock, water lever, with this huge aricraft carrier coming through the straight, we watched as it came closer, and our perch began to shift immensely from the wakes. As the carrier came close, you could see thousands of sailors, standing attention on the decks, in their dress blues, lining ever square inch of those decks, in the heavy Northwest January mist and wind. Somewhere we could hear "Anchors Aweigh" playing, but could not tell where it was coming from, because all the families and the entire community was cheering.

It was another moment we could not help but cry. After the ship had docked only yards from the public dock we were on, soaked, we went home. There was quite a party in the shipyard, we could hear it all the way to our house. Thye were playing that song by a country singer "Proud to be an American". We could here it and we lived about 15 blocks from the shipyard. We later attended a party for our neighbor, welcomed him home after over nine months, and home to a new baby, he missed seeing born.

Now the advocates of illegal immigrants would say, "the immigrants did not have a part in bringing the Wrold Trade Center down", but I say, the situation we are fighting did. With each illegal immigrant passing over our borders, could come a terrorist. When the illegal immigrants cross our borders illegally, they stomp on that very moment when those towers fell, and they stomp on the moment that ship returned home, after being kept on extended deployment for our nations security.

They spit on the efforts of all those proud sailors that stood on those decks that rainy day to be the first to glimpse America, and their families, anxious to see them after the tension during those months following 9/11, not knowing if something else could happen while they were out to sea, and their families were without them.

The broken borders are making us that vulnerable again, from within. As well, those who have come here illegally are taking away from all those Americans who have served this country, now and in the past. No one has the right to come here and DEMAND anything they have not worked for.

Would the illegals we saw in the streets waving Mexican flags, burning American flags, chanting anti-American rhetoric be willing to be one of those sailors or soldiers? I think they probably would not, nor ever will. They do not deserve being here for that very reason. They are unwilling to be loyal to America.

Let's remember why we are working so hard to make our government do their job. We need total border security. We need people here that are 100% loyal to America and Americans. We do not need militant illegal immigrants, and we do not need militant Muslims as well. People that do not care about our freedom of speech, our history, they only care about getting from this country what they can. They have only loyalties to their own.