I just got back from Utah, and was down in the I-15 corridor. I actually saw some legal American citizens - or , uh, I think i did.

Seriously, SLC appears to be saturated with illegals - everywhere you look - they are everywhere with lots and lots of kids. So, I stopped by a supermarket to pick buy one item, couldn't find it, so I asked a clerk - and he couldn't speak any English!!! Well, I venture to say, this is the kind of stuff that's heart warming to Hillary.
You zenophobe racist! How did you know - just by looking at people? You are going to be arrested for hate crimes, fool!
Racist? You think? Check out Communist La-Raza - they inject racism where there is none.
Well, i guess Utah belongs to AZT-Land already.

While I was in the hotel, I switched over to Fox News - they predicted that 2008 election will be McCain vs. Hillary. vs.
Well, there are people who will vote for Hillary to punish McCain. If Hillary wins McCain is gonna laugh at us - they are both Trilateral Commission candidates. Keep in mind the "greater good" that Hillary keeps promising - greater good means the Trilateral Commission wins and the middle class loses. If McCain wins, Hillary will laugh at us.
So, the truth comes out, you are endorsing McCain, ha! ha! ha!
hell no. The only major difference is, is that Hillary is a card carrying Communist, both will sell us out to the illegals and to India in a "New York Minute!" Now Hillary has a strong affection for Tata of India, but either candidate will make full, unmigitigated amnesty, and border removal, their top priority.

Both candidates are globalists
Both are pro-Mexico, anti-America
Both will bring full amnesty and citizenship, real quick, to all illegals and future border crossers.
Both will dismantle the border (the portions that exists)
Both will eliminate the cap on H-1Bs, and US citizens' unemployment will go through the roof.

Look for either candidate, and especially Hillary, to grant full presidential pardons to incarcerated MS-13 gang bangers.
You are full of crap! Moderators, ban this idiot at once!
Look at the list of the Clinton pardons for a small previous of future pardons to come!