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    The Real American Racists

    The Real American Racists

    Posted on 18 July 2013 by kevin
    Just in case you were wondering who the real American racists are, all you need do is pay very close attention to the activities taking place around this country in light of the recent not guilty verdict handed down in the Zimmerman trial. Pay attention to what is going on, as well as who is promoting and supporting the call for protests over injustice for Trayvon. Pay attention to how they continue to promote this is a racially motivated ordeal. Follow along as they continue to launch protests in American cities and inform the idiots among us of how racist every ethnicity, except African Americans, actually are. The real American racists come from the black community. From the gang bangers to the current occupant of the White House.

    The real American racists are spearheaded by the likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and President Obama himself. They continue to promote this as an outrageous tragedy against the black man. They continue to paint pictures of George Zimmerman as a white male bent on racial profiling, neglecting to mention that Zimmerman has roots tying him to the Latino and African American community. The real American racists are using this platform to push for stricter gun control, AGAIN, even though it has failed and will continue to do so as long as red blooded Americans of all skin colors insist on forcing the government to try and take our weapons away.
    The real American racists are no longer the hood and cloak wearing hoodlums of the KKK. The real American racists operate under the guise of peaceful assembly, under the banner of such groups as the NAACP, which isn’t really interested in the advancement of colored people as much as they are promoting racially biased agendas. All one has to do is PAY ATTENTION to the activities these real American racists promote and under what guidelines. The statistics for black on black violence and black on white violence are far greater than the opposite, white on white or white on black, yet these organizations turn a blind eye to these facts.
    The real American racists use every opportunity they can to holler from the hilltops about the injustices white America has placed them under. The real American racists were present at the OJ Simpson trial. They were there to ensure he was given a ‘fair’ trial. A trial much like the Zimmerman trial, pitting a black man against two white people, who he in fact killed, and yet when OJ walked free, it was a victory for the real American racists. You didn’t see members of the KKK calling for nationwide protests over this ordeal. Yet the moment Zimmerman was found not guilty, the New Black Panther Party, Al Sharpton and President Obama all had something to say, an agenda to push.
    The New Black Panther Party has called for rioting and violence in predominantly white neighborhoods, and for what, for Trayvon Martin? What about the hundreds and thousands of young African Americans dying in gang related violence every day in the streets of LA and Chicago? Do they not deserve recognition? Are they not worthy of the same level of national attention? No because there is no beneficial way to roll out the race card and blame an ethnicity that isn’t black for crimes committed by themselves.
    Al Sharpton, one of the real American racists being discussed here, is using this outcome to promote protests in over 100 cities around the country and has called on the Department of Justice to intervene. While Al Sharpton has insisted that these protests are to be non-violent, the real hope is for rioting to erupt, so they can continue to point fingers and blame every other ethnicity for inciting violence against their race.
    President Obama, another of the real American racists, probably isn’t even truly American. He hasn’t used this platform to call out white people and paint them into a corner, he has taken a different route and has decided that once again the American public needs to focus on removing guns from the hands of LAW ABIDING citizens.
    Being the out of touch confused idiot that he is Obama made the following contradictory statement following the Zimmerman verdict.
    USA Today:
    “We are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken,” “We should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives.”
    If we are indeed a nation of laws and a jury has spoken, does that not reflect their understanding of this situation as a self-defense scenario? And if that is true, then there was no gun violence present during this tragic event, and no need for further discussion on stricter gun control.

    President Stirs the Racial Pot Leveraging Trayvon to DISARM America
    Dear Anti-Gun Control Friends,
    Political pandering and race-baiting over the verdict of the Martin-Zimmerman case should be deeply troubling to every American irrespective of color or political party. The President’s remarks at a hastily called news conference last Friday were DIVISIVE and POLITICAL.
    He is obviously using race to leverage Trayvon Martin in his quest to DISARM the public and abolish the right to self-defense. In a stunning and nationally divisive moment in presidential history, color was chosen over character. President Obama said: “…if a white male teen was involved in the same kind of scenario, that, from top to bottom, both the outcome and the aftermath might have been different.”
    So much for his earlier remarks about respecting the jury verdict!!
    ABC NEWS reported on June 26, 2012, the prosecution released the results of a voice stress test performed on George Zimmerman the day after the shooting. A voice stress test measures attempts to measure deception in response to questions. ABC said Zimmerman was asked, “Did you confront the guy you shot?”, to which Zimmerman answered, ““No.”
    Zimmerman was then asked, “Were you in fear for your life, when you shot the guy?”, to which Zimmerman answered, “Yes.” The examiner concluded in his report that Zimmerman “TOLD SUBSTANTIALLY THE COMPLETE TRUTH” in the examination and Zimmerman were classified as “No Deception Indicated (NDI).”
    These facts are completely lost in the news media reporting, even by the president.
    President Barack Obama intends to exploit a family’s grief and racial overtones to push his ANTI-GUN agenda!
    Tell Congress that a Gun Control vote has NOTHING to do with the Martin-Zimmerman case!
    Using the Zimmerman-Martin legal case, our anti-gun President Obama intends to use the verdict to push his anti-gun agenda.
    Quite frankly, the President is using the Martin-Zimmerman case to DEFLECT the attention of the American people from the outrage against numerous scandals: IRS, NSA, DOJ, Benghazi, etc. But, this is what President Obama does best!
    In spite of President Obama’s “home-spun” speech, several cities across the country experienced mob scenes with burning and looting; not paying attention to admonitions of police chiefs, President Obama and the parents of slain Trayvon Martin to “keep it peaceful.” Yet, in all honesty, he is “stirring the pot.”
    Then for President Obama to bring up Illinois and “all he did there” is the ultimate hypocrisy. Chicago, Illinois, is the “murder capital of the world.” It is extremely violent there, especially in relationship to black-on-black violent crime.
    As the president addresses “Stand Your Ground,” he is saying that people should not DEFEND themselves when they are threatened, but rather they should run away and let the government handle it.
    The youth of our nation need parents, families, pastors and leaders to exemplify CHARACTER, leadership and responsible citizenship. We must ELIMINATE the divisive speech (like from the President) and learn to care for one another!
    We see leaders, even the president, who seeks to divide us along the lines of race for political gain. Leaders must UNITE people, not divide them. Yes, we have a “character” issue in this country! Whether it is Trayvon or Zimmerman, or the elected or the electors, we must assess one another through the lens of character, NOT color. When leaders, especially president, seek to divide over color, it is a clear demonstration of ABSENCE of character!
    Obama continues to push his radical agenda and stoking the fires of racial hatred by permitting his Department of Justice to engage federal civil rights’ charges in what is really a local case that has already been decided, regardless of the political and racial overtones made by people from outside of the county. The parents of Trayvon Martin would be “crazy” to start a civil suit against George Zimmerman. If that happens, then all the evidence that was “hush-hush” during the original trial would be available to the court, such as Trayvon Martin’s previous record, such as stealing, drugs, and talking about killing that the Miami Police Department can produce.
    Actually, the political intrusion by the federal government started many months ago when President Obama publically said: “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon!”
    Last Sunday, President Obama urged “calm reflection” from Americans following Saturday’s explosive verdict. That really means: “GET BEHIND MY GUN CONTROL MEASURES!” Please fax Congress and let them know they must preserve our Second Amendment!
    FAX NOW to let Congress know of what the majority of Patriotic Americans believe will happen once the President equates Trayvon Martin to Gun Control!
    The White House continues to want to make gun violence the “BATTLE CRY” to literally DIVIDE Americans and take away our Constitutional rights. Rather than addressing the real issues, President Obama uses gun control and racial division every opportunity he gets. That is wrong!
    WARNING: This White House and this Department of Justice that used YOUR tax money to promote demonstrations and rallies, even involving the radical Black Panther Party, supporting Zimmerman’s prosecution in a community relations effort called “Peacemaker.” Documents detail “extraordinary intervention by the Justice Department in the pressure campaign leading to the prosecution of George Zimmerman.”
    That is how “two-faced” our President is. Yet his answer is still MORE Gun Control! He aims to disarm the public from guns that are guaranteed by the United States Constitution. He wants to eliminate self-defense!
    Let’s understand this: The Administration of President Obama, Saul Alinsky’s friend, gave us: Fast and furious covert arms to Mexican drug cartels, Benghazi cover-up, fighter jets to the Muslim Brotherhood, and arms for jihad terrorists posing as Syrian rebels. That’s “stemming the tide” of gun violence, isn’t it?!
    More Gun Control would not have prevented the Connecticut or Trayvon tragedies. More gun control is what the President wants, even after the Zimmerman verdict. Gun deaths are the result of character issues. A gun does not have emotion, motive or character. A gun is a mere instrument of someone’s character. Judging by the track record of the President, his character is in question.
    He wants to confiscate guns, but he does very little to control the contributing cause of violence of black-on-black, especially in the murder capital of his own backyard of Chicago! But if a non-black is involved in a violent altercation with a black, it’s suddenly a national incident and a national crisis, which brings about even more violence in the streets of the cities. These are not racial remarks!
    Gun control is NOT the answer. The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution allows every citizen to defend themselves with a gun. Remind Congress of that!
    Please let Congress Know through your FAX that Gun Control is NOT the answer to Connecticut or Trayvon Martin!
    What about the TENS OF THOUSANDS of Block Watch Volunteers who may now be RELUCTANT in their duty?! Their timidity might result in the death of thousands!
    Please let your Congress know of your passion about Gun Control!

    P.S. Tell Your Friends!
    Make sure your friends read this too...we need every voice we can get to change the status quo in Washington! Forward this to a friend »

    Shuffling Madness Media, 10750 Pine Drive, Parker, CO 80134
    Copyright 2013 Shuffling Madness Media. All rights reserved.

    Last edited by kathyet2; 07-26-2013 at 03:05 PM.

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