I am beginning to believe that Bush granted the commutation to Scooter Libby as a diversionary tactic. We know how devious he is. He (and his advisors) had to know the controversy this would incite. Now, he's "considering" granting a full pardon.

Better to focus on this (and the deserving attention to the border patrol agents), than the "real" objectives of Bush and the corporate elites, such as the NAFTA Superhighway and NAU.

I just bet they try to ride this pony 'til he drops.

BTW, I saw a reporter interviewing "average" citizens on the streets today to get their opinion of the Scooter Libby commute. I would estimate at least 8 out of 10 didn't even know who he is!

I thought I was watching 'Jay Walking' on Leno. How pathetic.