Hi all! I want to report my phone activities for Friday the 27th. I was very happy to find I FREQUENTLY had to wait 10 RINGS OR MORE before anyone picked up on the switchboard ToLL Free 1 888 355 3588 number. Though it doesn't meet my DREAM PHONING DAY, when I hope to not get through at all for HOURS, there were frequents dialings when I was sent to a message "ALL CIRCUITS ARE BUSY. PLEASE TRY YOUR CALL LATER"

Three tries to Feinsteins office met BUSY signals. several other Senator's lines were busy the first time, but I got through later. Never did get through to Feinstein. Hope it isn't because OUR OPPOSITION in CALIFORNIA were busy on a call-in of their own.

I propose we do another phone-in from Monday to Friday of next week. My goal is to BURN UP THE SWITCHBOARD WITH CALLS. Besides switchboard, there are local numbers in the Senator Phone Book that I posted awhile back. Let's turn up the volume a notch or two!! Letters are good but may not reach their targets on time as there are special processes on mail that take longer because of the anthrax scare after 9/11. We are at the 11th hour on this Senate review of HR4437 and voting on one of their OWN bills. Who knows they wont try to pull a fast one and have it all done one morn when we wake up.

I hope some of you will join me in a redoubled effort this week.

To recap suggested strategy from several sources, call:

Your own Senators




ALL SENATORS WITH DECENT VOTING RECORDS FOR CAREER VOTES ON BORDER CONTROL AND INTERIOR ENFORCEMENT(ask them to introduce Enforcement Only legislation in the Senate. We presently have NO SUCH BILL for the Senate to vote on. As things stand, they pretty much have to choose between the Cornyn/Kyl Bill or the BARF! Kennedy/McCain Bill. An aid told me the processing of introducing a bill is pretty quick, so all we have to do is convince one of these Senators who are up for re-election and who want to look STRONGLY anti-imigrant.

I suggest James Talent, whose staff is being very anti-illegal immigration.

If you want more, call some of the renegades and let them know their voting records are going to SINK their asses and their party if they don't get on board with what the American people want.

All the above lists of Senators are already posted and I'm sure you all have them already from your previous projects.

e-mails to the RNC to complain about Tom Tancredo not being invited to the Southern Republican Leadership Conference are also quite important to SUPPORT him as he continues his tour. All that is already Posted.

Hate to be a NAG, especially since I am relatively new and all but .....we are down to critical mass here.
Thank You VERY Much.