Obama’s Executive Amnesty Should Be Meet With Articles Of Impeachment

By: Ulysses Arn (Diary) | November 19th, 2014 at 03:21 PM |

President Obama is set to announce his executive amnesty in a prime time address Thursday night. While the details of Obama’s executive amnesty haven’t been finalized it is likely to include the expansion of his Deferred Deportation program, known as DACA, to cover at least 4 million illegal immigrants as the program will now cover anyone who crossed the border as children(under 16) prior to January 2010, as well as the parents of children already given deferred deportations as well as the parents of legal immigrants.
Fox News-Obama to announce 10 point immigration plan

While mouthpieces for the administration have been trying to claim that Obama’s upcoming dictatorial fiat is nothing out of the ordinary, the fact of the matter is this is a lawless action being taken by an imperial President.
President Obama’s original DACA program in and of itself was an unconstitutional assault on Congresses Article I, Section 8 power over immigration and any expansion of this executive amnesty should be viewed as an unabashed attempt to eviscerate the Constitution.
House and Senate Republicans are looking at using the upcoming need to issue a new Continuing Resolution or omnibus spending bill to attach language that would bar any funds from being used to implement Obama’s planned executive fiat amnesty, and that is a good thing.
However, it is insufficient to curtail a growingly dictatorial despot.
What House Republicans should do on Friday morning after President Obama’s nationally televised address is file Articles of Impeachment against President Obama with trial in the Senate starting in early January.
Here is what those Articles of Impeachment should look like(rough draft):
Count 1-Violation of his duty to faithfully uphold the Constitution, namely usurping Congresses Article I, Section 8 power over immigration via executive amnesty, actions the President himself on numerous occasions has said he could not do.
Count 2-Violation of his duty to faithfully execute the laws passed by Congress, examples of this include unilaterally altering and delaying various aspects of Obamacare, changing the work requirements of welfare reform(passed in the 90s) without congressional approval, ordering Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Border Patrol to ignore/not enforce the nation’s immigration laws.
Count 3-Violation of a duly passed congressional notification requirement on the release of terrorist enemy combatants from detention at the Guantanamo Bay prison by releasing 5 senior Taliban commanders, while hostilities are ongoing, in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.
Count 4-Violation of Congresses appropriation powers by using funds to facilitate the trade of 5 senior Taliban commanders for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl that was not allocated by Congress.
Count 5-Violation of the recess appointments clause of the Constitution by unconstitutionally, per the Supreme Court, making recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board, and of Richard Cordray to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
All five of those charges are easy to prove, easy to show violations of the plain text and meaning of the Constitution, and are easy for the American people to understand that their President, no matter who he is, is not above the law, and the supreme law of the land is the Constitution.
Go ahead Mr. President issue your executive amnesty. Go ahead a become a Benito Mussolini. And rightfully get impeached for it.
