Illegal aliens, crime and 'guest workers' - an idea for you (permalink)
Categories: - Government and Politics - Social Issues - Jobs and Labor - Immigration Issues - Policy Issues
Tony W. Smith ( 2006-04-08 )

The vast majority of illegal aliens are here to work. ----Maybe?----

The only reason that there are jobs for them is because U.S. employers can hire them with impunity and they can pay them dirt compared to what a "living wage" is for an American worker.

Also, with all of the talk about a guest worker program, this needs to be discussed. There is a legal way that does not incude amnesty of any sort. This is important because we are considering more that just the things that we have already discussed. Illegal aliens are responsible for a very large portion of our total crime problem. This must be considered as we determine how we will apply immigration policies in the future.

Over 30% of the crime in the U.S. is committed by illegal aliens. Our elected officials may not want to discuss, much less respond to, the illegal alien crisis, but its magnitude for law enforcement is startling. For instance:

( Complete article at )