For any of you good people, this a segment of the transcript between Americas great patriot Lou Dobbs (CNN cable news) actionman and one Senator who doesn't walk with his tail between his legs. Senator Sessions is talking to Mr dobbs about the hidden cost's of the massive cost of illegal immigrant blanket amnesty. By the way Lou dobbs has direct email links to your Senators and Congress at In addition fax your politician free at There is a Stop Amnesty petition circulating on the Internet. I copied it, and my whole family signed their copies and sent them today to our pandering Senators. ... ration.htm

Us senior citizens better get our smelling salts out or a bathe bag, cause if this don't turn your stomach, nothing will? These charming Senator's are not telling the truth, about not only the cost of this disgusting immigration bill,

First: What the government isn't telling or enforcing the law.

DOBBS: A government source tells CNN tonight that authorities waited almost three weeks to alert the public about the theft of personal data on more than 26 million veterans. The government announced yesterday that the names, Social Security numbers and birth dates of every living veteran from 1975 to today had been stolen from the home of a Veterans Affairs data analyst.

The Veterans Affairs Department says the theft appears to be a random burglary. Officials said they waited so long to alert the public because they didn't want to immediately tip off burglars to the significance of what they had stolen.

Tonight, there's further evidence of government negligence and incompetence emerging from the Social Security Administration. The federal government knows thousands of employers are hiring illegal workers. It even knows who they are, but it hasn't prosecuted. It has not prosecuted a single case.

Kitty Pilgrim reports.


KITTY PILGRIM, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Fake work papers with stolen Social Security numbers. The government has a list of the top 100 employers who hire illegal aliens and file fake Social Security numbers by the hundreds, or even thousands. The names on the list are not public. And the offenders are not prosecuted.

One congressman is outraged.

REP. CLAY SHAW (R), FLORIDA: One of the things that we can do, which I think would be a very good idea, Phil English and I are co- sponsoring a bill that would say, hey, if they don't match up, if they are illegal, then you can't deduct their wages from your income tax. That will stop it real quick.

PILGRIM: But the government's own report show lack of enforcement year after year.

2002: "Hundreds of thousands of unauthorized workers have used fraudulent documents."

2004: "Many suspended items involve the agricultural industry, which has transient employees who may not have work authorizations."

2005: "An employer who used one Social Security number for 2,580 different earnings reports in a tax year."

2006: "Even the best information will not make a difference if the relevant federal agencies do not have credible enforcement programs."

More than half of the worst offenders are employers in just three states: California, Texas, and Illinois.

Labor lawyers say illegal workers are often protected by unions in their industries who pressure employers not to follow up on extensive verifications.

PETER STERGIOS, ATTORNEY, GREENBERG TRAURIG: We have certain unions who vigorously will interpose themselves as shields where they can to protect employees' rights to work, irrespective of the status of the documentation.

PILGRIM: Ninety-five percent of employers on the top 100 worst offenders list were in three industries: services, restaurants and agriculture.


PILGRIM: In at least six reports in recent years, the Social Security Administration inspector general has recommended that his agency coordinate with the Department of Homeland Security to clear up the fake work papers. They haven't done it yet. The president could change all of this with an executive order, but, Lou, he hasn't done it either.

DOBBS: I wonder why not?

PILGRIM: You know, well, we had...

DOBBS: You know, Alberto Gonzales, the attorney general, talking about reporters. He wants to enforce the law when it comes to reporters. But there is a laundry list a mile long of laws this government isn't enforcing.

This president is talking about comprehensive immigration reform, and he won't even go after culpable employers, who are really the source of this problem on this side of the border. Amazing.

PILGRIM: It's unbelievable.

DOBBS: It's incredible. This government is absolutely dysfunctional.

PILGRIM: There are just too many vested interests in keeping it the way it is.

DOBBS: Too many vested interests, corporate interests -- let's say it like it is -- and special interests.

Thank you very much, Kitty Pilgrim. Go to our Web site,, if you want to report Social Security fraud. You'll find the Social Security Administration's toll-free fraud hotline. Also, a link to the Social Security Administration's Web site for reporting fraud.

Now, I can't promise you at all that these people will do anything about the fraud. They don't seem to really like to do much of anything in terms of enforcing the law. But nonetheless, if you want to go through the exercise, it's We'll help you as best we can.

Second: What it's going to cost the American taxpayer!

SEN. JEFF SESSIONS (R), ALABAMA: Lou, it's good to be with you.

We did hear some further information today about stunning, staggering cost numbers, particularly in the out -- the second 10 years of this bill, perhaps as much as a half trillion dollars, $500 million, maybe $50 billion a year.

DOBBS: For the cost of this legislation? SESSIONS: For the cost of welfare, health care and other benefits that would be available to people given amnesty under this legislation. It's really a stunning number and we've never had that discussed.

And I would just note, really, this is a McCain-Kennedy bill. I hope that we'll get some support tomorrow on other issues. The president has not endorsed these kind of numbers. He needs to study this bill and he needs to be less supportive of it.

DOBBS: Senator, I wish I could tell you that I really believe President Bush would be concerned. But this is a man who said he wants a guest-worker program. He's putting together an amnesty program, whether you call it a legalized path to citizenship or whatever you want to call it.

And I don't think anyone cares about anything here in the -- well, I shouldn't say anyone, nearly anyone in the Senate. Certainly you are a clear and stalwart exception.

In that Senate, all they care about is what's corporate America is saying. This is nuts what they're telling the American people. I mean, it isn't a very nice expression; it's called go to hell.

SESSIONS: It is not legitimate. It is not a legitimate bill that ought to be passed. It absolutely should never, ever become law.

The president, I do not believe, has ever officially endorsed it. But, like everyone else, they want to just move something forward. And something is not good enough.

We have to vote and put our names on that vote, and we ought not to pass a piece of legislation that will bust the budget and will also allow incredibly large numbers into our country.

DOBBS: Now, I want to show our viewers, our audience here, what the Congressional Budget Office said the cost would be. These are their estimates and I believe that you're responsible for even prompting them to come up with any estimates, but this is what they say.

They said 6 million to 7 million applying for amnesty, and the cost of that would be $54 billion mandated spending, $39 billion in discretionary spending. This is over the course of 10 years. And the result of that would be $66 billion gained in taxes. No one's quite sure how they came up with that. But the net result would be $27 billion.

But again, that's based on 6 million to 7 million illegal aliens applying for amnesty. But all of us -- and we should be all straight about this, it's not just the Senate who doesn't know. But none of us knows how many illegal aliens are in this country. If the number is closer to 20 million or more, that's three times or more, that's approaching $100 billion over 10 years no matter what.

SESSIONS: No, you're exactly right. In fact, the Heritage Foundation believes those numbers are low.

But, more importantly, the real benefits in welfare and Medicare don't kick in until the second 10 years. That's when they surge out of control, and the numbers are incredible. That -- and because...


DOBBS: Well, have you talked to Senator Frist?

Senator Frist, by the way, on Larry King we were discussing this very issue a week or two ago; he looked right in the camera and said to me and to the American people, said, you know, we're going to have border security first. And there's no border security in anything you're talking about.

SESSIONS: I have talked to Senator Frist about these costs.

I've talked to other Republicans and I've explained to them what these numbers are. But they're -- I'm not sure how much people are paying attention to it. I think they are...


DOBBS: Well, paying attention or do you really think, Senator Sessions, they just don't care?

SESSIONS: They are determined to move this bill forward regardless of whether it's a good bill or not.

DOBBS: Why? Why, Senator Sessions?

SESSIONS: I don't know.

There are a lot of reasons. One is to get it off the plate. Some senators that had made fun of the House because they're saying they were too tough, and now they're saying, "Well, vote for the bill, Sessions, you know they'll make it better when it goes to conference." I think that's sort of amusing, but -- so I think it's a responsibility of the Senate to pass a good bill and to reject a bad bill.

We will have an opportunity. Senators will have an opportunity. When we have this budget point of order, if 41 senators vote not to waive the budget, it will die and have to be pulled from the floor.

DOBBS: And, Senator, you're going to introduce a budget point of order tomorrow, is that correct?

SESSIONS: Sometime. I or one of my colleagues will, yes.

DOBBS: And what will be the impact?

SESSIONS: I'm not sure, but we will -- I think we'll have a pretty sizable vote, actually. I think some people might be nervous about the outcome of it. We're working now to try to get out this information to our colleagues so they know just how huge this number is.

DOBBS: You know, it's one of those things when I just think the Republicans can't be any more wrong-headed, out come the Democrats; Senator Feinstein introduced an amendment that will give everybody amnesty and 36 Democrats, one Republican, support that.

We put that number up -- those names up on our Web site, reported a few of them here tonight. I mean, this is a -- you talk about a rock and a hard spot, the Republican leadership versus the Democrats.

I mean, the American people haven't got much of a chance here, do they?

SESSIONS: I think the American people do need to watch this issue, and it's time for those of us in the Senate to be responsible to them in a fair and just way, and the way to do that is to vote no on this bill.

Lou, I think I'm being called back to vote.

DOBBS: Well, go get them, Senator.

SESSIONS: Thank you.

DOBBS: Thanks for being here.

Senator Jeff Sessions.

DOBBS: The senator is one of the few clear minds and voices in that Senate at this point on this issue looking at the actual facts, the causal relationships and the impact of the decisions being taken.