Rep Marino wants to jail administration Officials


Steven H AhleColumbia Public Policy Examiner
July 13, 2013

Rep. Tom Marino (R-Pa.) is consulting with former prosecutors in the House and having statutes examined for ways for the House to indict administration officials in the IRS, Benghazi, reporter spying, NSA spying and other scandals in the Obama admnistration, because it's obvious that Eric Holder is not willing to punish offenders.

Speaking during a radio interview on Wednesday, Marino said that he is investigating ways in which the House can file criminal and civil charges against members of the administration, "up to and including the president."

"If the chief law enforcer of the country [Holder] will not enforce the law, and the president decides to break the law because he doesn’t like it, there has to be another mechanism by which we in Congress can … see if there are criminal charges we can file.” said Marino.

Sarah Wolf, Marino's spokesperson said that Marino wanted to“investigate, identify and prosecute people within the administration, up to and including the president if it comes to that,”

To date, these are the strongest threats to come out of congress. Democrats deny there are any scandals at all. They blame them all on "politics". Marino says he is not alone in wanting to hold the administration accountable.

Congress does have a mechanism to prosecute the president. In his oath of office the president swears that he will, "“I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

There is a necessarily high bar used to prove that a president has violated that oath. That is to prevent a political impeachment such as Andrew Johnson faced, after he assumed the presidency after Lincoln's assassination.