This is a letter I got from Minnick after writing his office about Guteirrez's immigration bill.

Dear --------:

Thank you for your letter expressing your concerns about immigration reform.

I am opposed to offering blanket amnesty to illegal immigrants. I believe that real immigration reform begins with enforcing the law, securing our borders, and holding businesses accountable for knowingly employing illegal aliens.

You will be pleased to know that I am a proud cosponsor of H.R.662, the Employee Verification Amendment Act of 2009, to continue the E-verify program. I am also an original cosponsor of the H.R. 3308, the SAVE Act, that would hire 6,000 new border patrol agents, increase technology and infrastructure at our sea ports and land points of entry, increase Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers and immigration court judges, and mandate the use of E-Verify nationwide over the next four years.

I believe the enforcement-first approach taken by these two bills is the appropriate first step in reforming our immigration policies.

I am not a cosponsor of the immigration reform bill that was recently introduced by Congressman Luis Gutierrez. The bill will likely be changed dramatically before it is brought to the floor of the House or Senate for a vote. It claims to improve border security, crackdown on employers who hire unauthorized workers, and require illegal immigrants who are currently in the United States to pay a $500 fine, learn English, and undergo a criminal background check, among other provisions, in order to obtain legal status and possible citizenship. I am currently studying the Guitierrez bill and look forward to discussing these proposals with members of Congress from both sides of the aisle as this issue is debated in the coming months.

Again, thank you for sending me your thoughts. I apologize for the long delay in responding to your letter.


Walt Minnick
ID, 1st CD